3 Easy Cattail Recipes + How to Prep Wild Cattails for Eating (2024)

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Cooking Cattails for SHTF

I organize my prepping life by the rule of three: air, fire/shelter, water, and food. It gives me a starting point for planning and gear. Once I have the basics down, I adjust as necessary. With that in mind, I am also always looking for an edge. One of those edges is my cattail recipes for SHTF.

3 Easy Cattail Recipes + How to Prep Wild Cattails for Eating (1)The common cattail (Typha latifolia) has a myriad of uses during a survival situation. Applications for these versatile plants include fire-making (use the fluff as tinder), medicinal (the roots are antiseptic and the pollen encourages clotting), even shelter making, cordage (leaves and stems), and as survival food.

The most common use, however, is cattails as food. From roots to flowers, and everywhere in between, let’s look at cooking cattails and my 3 favorite cattail recipes.

Eating Cattails FAQ

First: a few quick questions and answers about cattails, if you’re unfamiliar with the plant.

Can You Eat Cattails?

Yes! Cattails are one of the more famous edible wild plants.

For thousands of years, man has depended on cattails as a food source. Evidence points to their use as food dating back at least 30,000 years.

Sadly, we in the United States have forgotten or neglected cattails as a food source. In the right environment, they grow in quantity, are easily harvested, and are filled with nutrients.

100 grams of cattail shoots (about 1.5 cups) contains 16 calories, 1 gram of protein, and 5 grams of carbohydrates. That’s comparable with cucumbers, celery, or asparagus. Not too shabby for a wild edible.

Nutritional information for the roots is a little harder to come by, however, they average about 35% starch. This is comparable to rice, which is about 30% starch.

What Does Cattail Taste Like?

In SHTF situations you ultimately need variability. Eating rice every day eventually leads to food fatigue.

Cattails are an advantageous survival food in that they have many parts to eat, each with a specific use and flavor. Let’s start at the top.

Harvested in the spring, cattail pollen is similar in texture to flour. We, therefore, eat cattail pollen as a high protein substitute. Pollen has a taste similar to nutty buckwheat. It finds use as a thickener or as a mild spice.

The spring sprouts, or corms, are also edible. Pull them straight out of the ground and peel off any tough fiber covering. The remaining shoot tastes like cucumber or zucchini.

As the plant matures, you can harvest both the stalks and the immature flowers. The peeled stalks are similar to the shoots with a more intense flavor. The flowers, the corn dog looking part at the top, are best eaten before they mature. Once cooked cattail actually tastes a little like corn.

Finally, the roots. Technically rhizomes, are like any starchy tuber. Dried and processed into flour, use them as a thickener. Peeled and cooked, they are like a bland artichoke. Their mild flavor allows you to use them with any seasoning.

How to Eat Cattails

Each part of the cattail has its place on the preppers table. There is nothing more self-satisfying than foraging your own food and meeting your calorie needs for another day without the aid of a supermarket. Cooking cattails for SHTF has several ways to check this box.


Cattail pollen is easy to collect and is usable as a flour substitute. Collect the pollen by tapping the pollen heads into a paper or plastic bag. Then air dry or use the lowest setting on your dehydrator. You just want to drive off any residual moisture.

As a flour substitute, start with replacing 1/8th of your flour with pollen. The finished product will take on a slightly yellow color and mild nutty flavor. Increase the proportion until you have a preferred flavor.

The best sweet cattail recipes to start with include cookies, muffins, sweet rolls, and pancakes. Pollen can be used in savory dishes as well. Include it as a binder in meatloaf, meatballs, or as a thickener in soups and stews.


The cattail flowers are best eaten early in the season. Once they mature, they are not as palatable. Pick when flowers first spike up from the leaves. Simply peel off all the leaves and you are ready for cooking and eating.

Treat the flowers like baby corn on the cob. This includes steaming, sauteing, and boiling. The simplest treatment is a simple pan fry with butter, salt, and pepper.


Like most greens, cattail leaves are best harvested when young and tender. The larger they get, the tougher and potentially more bitter they can get.

Simple treatments are best for the delicate leaves as well. A simple saute with butter or olive oil is as good as a quick roasting in a hot oven.

The leaves can also be wilted and pureed like ramps. Add the puree in small quantities to scrambled eggs, scalloped dishes, or as a drizzle on a savory dish.


First, the shoots are one of the easiest ways to gather and prepare cattails in quantity. After pulling the shoots, wash them and trim off any tough portions similar to asparagus. I have eaten them raw, however, I enjoy them best cooked.

Second, they are as tasty as they are versatile. Add them to soups and stews, saute and serve hot or chill and add to a salad. They can even be pickled in a quick overnight brine.

Cattail Roots

Cattail roots are like potatoes with a little more preparation. Dig the roots in fall or early winter, then thoroughly wash them to remove any mud or dirt. The easiest preparation is to bake or boil the root. When done, you can scrape the “meat” out of the root with your teeth. Think artichoke! They are best served with butter.

Second, if you wish to preserve the roots for the long term, it is best to make flour. Peel the roots removing the outer fibrous layer. Then dry in a warm oven (200 degrees) overnight. The dry roots are then ground or powdered and sifted to collect the fine flour.

Finally, your cattail flour is then a partial substitute for wheat or acorn flour. Add it to muffins, cookies, or bread. Be sure to use some high gluten wheat flour with it or your final product will be too dense.

Cattail Recipes

3 Easy Cattail Recipes + How to Prep Wild Cattails for Eating (2)

Cattail Pancakes Recipe

Yield: 8-12 pancakes

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 15 minutes

Delicious, nutty pancakes made with cattail pollen.


  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup cattail pollen
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cups of milk
  • ½ cup honey
  • 1 tbsp vanilla
  • ¼ cup oil


  1. Mix all dry ingredients
  2. Add all wet ingredients
  3. Mix until the ingredients form a light batter
  4. Pour the batter on a greased pan
  5. Flip once the bottom has browned
  6. The pancakes are done when they spring back from a
    light touch and are browned on the second side
3 Easy Cattail Recipes + How to Prep Wild Cattails for Eating (3)

Cattail Biscuits Recipe

Yield: 6 biscuits

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 25 minutes

Super tasty oven-baked cattail biscuits!


  • 3 tbsp baking powder
  • 1⅓ cup flour
  • ¼ cup cattail pollen
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 4 tbsp shortening
  • ⅓ cup milk


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees
  2. Mix all dry ingredients
  3. Cut the shortening into the try ingredients
  4. Add the milk
  5. Mix until the ingredients form a light dough
  6. Pat the dough to a thickness of ½ to ¾ of an inch
  7. Cut into 6 biscuits
  8. Bake for 20 minutes

Cattail Greens Recipe

Yield: 1-4 servings

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 10 minutes

A superb and nutritious wilted cattail green salad.


  • Young cattail greens
  • 1-2 tsp olive oil or other fat (e.g. bacon fat)
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Lemon juice


  1. Wash and rinse the greens
  2. Pat dry
  3. Roughly chop greens to 6” lengths
  4. Heat a pan with the oil or fat
  5. Add greens
  6. Saute until lightly wilted
  7. Salt and pepper to taste
  8. Add lemon juice to taste


Cattails are a wonderful gift to preppers, bush crafters, foragers, and anyone interested in taking control of their food security. They grow in abundance and, those in the know harvest them throughout most of the year.

Cattail is not only plentiful, but it is also versatile and the perfect supplement for your SHTF recipes.

Preppers should be aware of surefire alternates for most aspects of life. Cattails fit the bill for several aspects but excel as survival food. They are easy to gather and use, while they provide an abundance of calories.

Even better they are delicious and can add depth to your survival eating. Head to your local wetland and augment your survival knowledge with our cattail recipes.

3 Easy Cattail Recipes + How to Prep Wild Cattails for Eating (4)

3 Easy Cattail Recipes + How to Prep Wild Cattails for Eating (2024)


How to prepare cattails for food? ›

The young stems can be eaten raw or boiled. The lower parts of the leaves can be used in salads. The young flowers can be boiled, covered in butter, and eaten like corn on the cob. In mid-summer, the yellow pollen from the male flowers can be added to pancakes, or mixed with flour to make delicious bread.

How long do you soak cattails? ›

3) Soak the leaves in warm water for 30 minutes or cold water no longer than overnight. Soak until plants are pliable and will bend without cracking/breaking. 4) Gently separate leaves from the round stalk. (Save the stalks, they can be used to make a sleeping mat!)

How to dry and preserve cattails? ›

Stand each cattail separately so they do not touch each other until they dry, which may require eight to 10 hours depending on the humidity. Use this method, and your cattails won't be shiny after they dry. The other method of preserving cattails is to spray them with a cheap hair spray rich in lacquer.

How do you clean cattails? ›

Cattails can be mechanically removed by digging up the rhizomes and removing them from the pond. Cutting off the tops of the plant will not kill them. The rhizomes are under the soil and care must be taken to remove all of them. This option usually only works when cattails first invade an area.

Can you eat the bottom of cattails? ›

The bottom end of cattail stalks is my favorite forage. You can eat it raw or cooked. It looks very much like a leek, and you can cook them as such. It's quite awesome sautéed, but more often than not we cut it in thin slices and use them raw in salads.

How much of a cattail is edible? ›

Ethnobotanic: All parts of the cattail are edible when gathered at the appropriate stage of growth. The young shoots are cut from the rhizomes (underground stems) in the spring when they are about 4 to 16 inches long. The base of the stem where it attaches to the rhizome can be boiled or roasted like potatoes.

How did Native Americans eat cattails? ›

Food: The roots may be ground into a flour. The sticky sap between the leaves is an excellent starch and can be used to thicken soups and broths. The white colored shoots at the base of the leaf clusters can be boiled or steamed or sliced and eaten raw in salads. Medicine: Pollen is hemostatic & astringent.

What are the health benefits of eating cattails? ›

Let's check out cattail nutritional value, cattail is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Consuming 19 gram of cattail offers 0.144 mg of Manganese, 4.3 µg of Vitamin K, 12 mg of Magnesium, 0.9 g of Total dietary fibre, 0.17 mg of Iron, 0.023 mg of Vitamin B6 and 21 mg of Sodium.

When to cut cattails? ›

Timing is everything if you decide to mow or cut your cattails. Cutting them in May stimulates growth, so wait until late summer if you are only going to cut once. If you cut the cattails below the water line two or three times in a season, very few cattails will grow back the following year.

Can cattails grow in just water? ›

Cattails are usually found in a dense stand (many together) in up to 2 ft. of water in marshes and other wetlands throughout most of the world. Cattails adapt in a variety of interesting ways: They can live in fresh or somewhat brackish water, and can live in up to 2 feet of water or grow in floating mats.

Can cattails purify water? ›

The stems catch and slow water and help trap sediment and silt. Cattail roots harbor microorganisms that help break down organic materials. New research shows that cattails can also remove polluting materials from the water surrounding their roots.

How do you prepare cattails to eat? ›

To prepare a cattail root, clean it and trim away the smaller branching roots, leaving the large rhizome. You can grill, bake or boil the root until it's tender. Once cooked, eating a cattail root is similar to eating the leaves of an artichoke – strip the starch away from the fibers with your teeth.

How do you harvest and eat cattails? ›

In early spring, the base of the new shoots is cut off and the outer leaves are removed, revealing tender white to light green leaves that resemble leeks. These cattail hearts can be eaten fresh or lightly cooked and added to stir-fry. In late spring to summer, immature flower spikes are ready for harvest.

What kills cattails? ›

One of the best herbicides to kill cattails is Imox herbicide. All herbicides should be handled with care (and should be applied by trained professionals with the right personal protective equipment).

Can you eat cattail fluff? ›

Cattails usually grow in standing water and are a survivalist's dream. They are non-toxic and almost every part of a cattail can be eaten. Burning away the fluff will leave the seeds. These can be eaten raw, boiled or ground into meal.

Can you eat cattails from a pond? ›

During World War II, the fluffy seeds the cattails produced were sometimes used to pad the seats in tanks and planes. And, in a pinch, you can also eat parts of cattails—either raw or cooked.

What does cattail taste like? ›

Since they are sometimes referred to as cossack asparagus, I had expected them to taste like asparagus. But it turns out that cattail shoots have a lovely cucumber-like flavor.

Do you put cattails in water? ›

Cattails do best in heavy clay-loam soil, rather than potting soil, which is too lightweight and tends to float out of the pot and into surrounding water. Once planted, submerge the pot up to the rim in the water garden. Fertilize once in early spring. Use a well-balanced organic fertilizer designed for water gardens.


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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.