What is it about you that has commandeered my brain? - stilessstilinskii - The Maze Runner Series (2024)

"I still can’t believe you have the hots for the barista." Teresa snorts, looking over at him with a cheeky grin on her face from the passenger seat of his run-down, rusty jeep.

Newt sighs, currently driving them both to their designated study-cafe. Since they’re broke college students working minimum wage jobs to pay the already over-expensive rent in California, they sadly live in a crappy studio apartment that isn’t suit for their studying. Due to the amount of distractions.

As much as they hate the small, cramped living space at first; it’s become their home and safe place. Having lived there for the past year, everything was slowly transforming into their comfort.

Usually, living with one person in such a small space without even a wall of privacy half the time would drive him insane. But considering it’s with his best friend since freshman year of highschool, he’s loved every moment of it. Sometimes, Teresa could be a right pain in the arse, but that’s just one of the many things he loves about her. He could list of the things he adores about his best friend for days.

If it’s her enthusiasm about small things, her soft smile and comforting words, her cooking for one is absolutely incredible and her intelligence will always impress him. And he basks in the way she always somehow smells of apple cinnamon and vanilla. He hates to admit that her mixed array of perfumes has become one of the many smells that brings him relaxation.

And he appreciates her more than anyone. His parents aren’t the most caring and they don’t show up often. His sister, Sonya, is of course the sweetest girl he’s ever met; but she has her own life. Her own girlfriend and her own concerns he doesn’t want to pile onto that with his own misfortune. So inevitably, he sticks to Teresa.

She’s become his rock and she can read him like an open book. She calms the storm in his mind with her words, and eases the beast with her touch. And vice-versa. Whenever she’s stressed over her grades, he’s always there with a cookie and a hand on her back.

He’s no where near as smart as the ravenette, but he tries.

Teresa is probably his favourite person, and he’s forever grateful that she was assigned to be his tour-guide on his first day of highschool.

When he first met her, he was waiting outside the principal’s office and he had almost bitten his nails down to the stump. He was a quiet, shy, 5’11 fourteen year old from England. He towered over his peers who had yet to go through their pubescent growth spurt, and when Teresa Agnes marched up to him with a brooding expression and her arms crossed over his chest he assumed the worst.

He always liked to tease her for that. The fact that they met during her tacky, emo phase where she tried convincing everyone she was edgy and mysterious. But then again, she’d stuck by him during all of his cringey teenage phases.

He thinks he’ll always stick by her. And her for him. Because she has Newt, and Newt has her. Always there.

So, when she’s teasing him for his small — he insists it’s just a teensy-tiny— crush, he can’t find himself to be seriously mad.

"Oh, zip it, Resa. I see you ogling at the one with muscles." Newt scoffs, keeping his eyes on the road. Even if it means missing out on the face that goes along with Teresa's overdramatic, offended gasp.

"Uh! That’s just me appreciating what’s infront of me, I like boobies. You, however, have this look in your eyes when you stare at that dork. What’s his name? Taylor? Travis?"

"Thomas." Newt immediately corrects, his cheeks dusting pink when he realises that was her goal in the first place.

"See! You remembered his name! Oh, isn’t that sweet! Admit it, you wanna get in his pants." Teresa’s teasing smile never leaves, poking at his bicep as he pulls into the parking lot infront of the Cafe.

"One, I just happen to glance down at his name tag every time we talk. Two, it’s not sweet, it’s totally normal. Three, I do not want to get in his pants." Newt rants as they collect their bags from the back seats and all the way towards the glass front door.

"Sure, Newtie." She pats him on the shoulder before pushing open the door, her features softening as she basks in the heavenly smell of her second favourite place in the whole universe.

"You go order, I’ll get us all set up." She takes his backpack off his lone shoulder, stacking it ontop of hers. Pressing the palm of her hand to the ball of his shoulder, lifting herself up on her tiptoes and pressing her lips to his cheek briefly.

"Thanks, Resa." He mumbles, watching his best friend walk towards their un-claimed claimed booth in the far corner.

Her hair is long, black and wavy down her back. She’s wearing a pair of thrifted, low waisted jeans with a bedazzled apple in the back-pocket. She her black thong showing in the whale tail fashion, clinging to her hips with a cropped white-tank top that’s layered with a wine-red cropped jacket.

Newt, as gay as they come, openly appreciates and admits how gorgeous Teresa really is. He’s shocked how she doesn’t have girls clinging on her arms, but he assumes most can’t compromise with her dedication to her grades.

He tugs his eyes away from his friend, who now has her glasses propped up against her freckled button nose, flicking through books splayed out across the table and towards the counter. His whole body warms when he sees the infamous brunette staring back at him with a small smile.

His small red visor hat with the words ‘Runner’ in hand-stitched calligraphy pushed his mop of untamed, brunette hair down on his forehead and it makes him look as aloof and adorable as his personality is. He’s staring at Newt with his big, hazel bambi eyes that make Newt’s knees weak.

Under his red apron with the same cursive words upon the centre, he’s wearing a plain black quarter length-shirt that’s tight on his muscular arms that has such an effect on the blonde he doesn’t want to deep dive into. A simple pair of jeans hug at his legs and Newt does not stare for long because he knew he’d have a problem if he did.

Newt shakes his head free of his one-over look on Thomas and finally walks over towards the counter, smiling softly.

"Hey, Tommy."

"The usual?" He asks, already scrawling names down onto the plastic cups with his scruffy handwriting that always makes Newt smile.

"Yep." He pops the ‘P’, glancing back at Teresa who’s sending him a knowing glance. He childishly sticks his tongue out at her, and she of course sticks hers back at him. He chuckles lightly, turning back to Thomas with the entertained smile lingering on his face.

He doesn’t take too much notice on how Tommy’s demeanour faltered slightly.

"I, uh, never got to ask; when did you two get together?" Newt is taken aback by the question, raising his eyebrows; them disappearing into the shag of his own lengthy dirty blonde hair.

" ‘Scuse me? " Newt asks, his smile amused as ever. He had always been asked this question by strangers, but he had never expected Thomas to ask.

"You and, uh, Tessa, is it?" Tommy seems awkward, the bottom of his shoe making an annoying ‘tap tap’ as he nerves his foot against the marble floor.

"It’s Teresa. And, God, no. Not even if you paid me." Newt snorts, suddenly deciding that the menu infront of him was so interesting.

"R-Really?" Thomas’ voice had this hint of hope and surprise, his usual bubbly and excitable demeanour had flown back into play and Newt is beyond relieved.

"Tommy, I’m just going to be upfront with you, I’m the gayest bloke you’ll ever meet. Unless, if you consider Teresa staring at pictures of Eva Longoria; then that’s the gayest thing you’ll ever see." Newt laughed at his own words, soaking in the look on Thomas’ face if he ever needs to reminisce on the top ten funniest moments in his life in the future.

"Oh! Oh, my God, I’m so sorry! I had no idea, God, Minho’s gonna be so disappointed— sh*t, I’m sorry." Thomas sputters like an old, dingy car engine that won’t start and Newt’s laughter becomes louder. He shakes his head, beaming at Thomas.

"The look on your face is priceless, Tommy. It’s fine, alright? We get asked that all the time. ‘Spose some people can’t process a dude and a chick being best mates." He leans on the counter slightly, Thomas’ cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Maybe. I’m still sorry. But, hey, that’s good news for me." The corner of Thomas’ lips tug up in a small smirk, finishing the absentminded making of the coffee.

Its Newt’s turn to pull the priceless face.

His features contort with confusion, his brain taking its sweet time to process Thomas’ words as the two take-away cups are slid across the counter. Newt is still staring helplessly at Tommy before the brunette waves his hand infront of his face.

"Just because you’re pretty doesn’t mean you get them on the house. Pay up." Thomas holds out his hand, and Newt needs to know where this new-found confidence has sprung from.

"I — uh — yeah." Newt pulls a tenner out from his back pocket, placing the crumpled note in Thomas open palm.

The brunette takes the money and places it in the register, the smug smile never leaving his face. Bastard. Newt never got this flushed infront of people, even if they were relentlessly flirting with him, he kept his cool and even flirted back! But for some reason, when Thomas spoke the words with his honey-sweet American accent Newt short circuited.

He didn’t know if he wanted to punch the cute barista for that or pull him in by the straps of his apron and kiss him senseless over the counter.

"Thanks, Newt. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Thomas raises a hopeful brow, and Newt nods, taking the two cups in his hand; his brain finally catching up with the rest of his body.

"‘Course, Tommy. Same time." He sends him a smile, hoping his cheeks aren’t as flushed-hot as they feel, and slowly walks back to the table.

There are textbooks spread out across the table, two in a pile in the far corner while three are all open, lapping over eachother with little sticky-tabs clustered around. Teresa somehow made room for her own book, scribbling down notes hastily. And yet somehow, her writing is neat as ever.

"Resa, I think he flirted with me." Newt sets down the cup infront of her, staring off into the distance, still in thought.

"What?!" She exclaims, shooting up from where she was engrossed in the spread of books. "He what?!"

Newt shushes her, holding his finger to his lip as he glances around the coffee house. In all fairness, it’s not busy. There’s only an odd few people scattered around, all on laptops with cold coffee situated next to them. And the customers that do come in usually take to go.

"Say it any louder I don’t think my folks back in Brighton heard it!" He hisses, his voice set into a loud-whisper. Teresa puts her hands up in mock surrender, leaning in with a teasing smile on her face.

"So, are you sure he flirted with you? Or is he one of those ‘Just hot and talking’ people?" She used fingers to air quote, skeptical. Newt shook his head adamantly.

"He called me pretty. And he said that me being gay was a good thing for him." Newt recalled, Teresa’s skeptic look turning shocked. With her eyebrows raised and her jaw slightly slacked.

"Hold on, how did you just casually mention your gay?"

"You might wanna add him to the list of blokes who think we’re a couple." Teresa groans at his answer, throwing her head back and resting on the back of the booth.

"You're kidding!" Newt shakes his head, a fond smile on his lips. "You shoulda’ seen his face when I told him, Tess! It was blimmin’ brilliant." The two shared a laugh, Teresa taking a sip of her bitter coffee.

"So, he was definitely flirting with you, huh?" She goes back to her studying briefly, waiting for Newt’s reply.

"Yeah. I think so. And you know what’s worse? I froze up. Became a blushing mess and said nothin’ but stuttering bullsh*t." Newt mumbled, picking at the lid of his cup. It didn’t help when Teresa started laughing again.

"It’s not funny!" Newt hissed, trying to get Teresa to calm down. But she just started up again, covering her mouth with her hand to even try silence herself.

"I’m sorry, I’m sorry! It’s just so funny that you’re nervous over someone. You! You have an ego higher than us on a Saturday afternoon. You never choke. You must really like him." She shook her head, making Newt sigh and squeeze his eyes shut as he banged his head against the wall behind him.

"I barely know him! All I know is he’s really hot, doesn’t go to College, he’s eighteen, he has a weird obsession with sitcoms, he has a younger brother and he loves karaoke." He recalls their little conversations while Thomas makes their coffee over the past month, which all mostly consist of Thomas rambling.

"’I barley know him’ my ass! Look, Newt, you have a crush on him, even a blind man could see that. And don’t bullsh*t me with your ‘It’s just because he’s attractive’ nonsense. You like him. Genuinely." Teresa leans across the table, taking his hand in her own.

He lets her, clinging to her just as tightly as she holds onto him. A soft expression graces his features as he fiddles with their fingers, happy with the warmth his favourite person gives him. The small gesture comforts him, letting all his worries roll off his shoulders like small pebbles.

"I guess." He mumbles, still staring down at their held hands across the table. Their rings are clashing against one and other, and Tess’ warm hands are contrasting with his cold ones. But it’s fine. Because it’s her.

"You know." Teresa corrects, squeezing his hand in tow, "Hey, look at me." He pulls his eyes off their hands, looking up at Teresa’s face.

She has a genuine smile on her face, looking at him with such adoration that makes Newt forever grateful that she was his school guide after he moved across the seas to Sacramento.

"I know you, Newt. Just once, stop pushing people away and accept the fact that you’re not a burden. Accept the fact that people love you and want to be with you." He tilts his head slightly, smiling.

"I accept you." He comments, that makes Teresa scoff; however her lips betray her as her smile widens.

"That’s because I gave you no choice, Newton. Also, look at me! I’m irresistible!" She took away her hand from his, using both her hands to showcase her body.

"Pfft. Yeah, right." He rolls his eyes, taking a sip of his sweet coffee.

She promptly kicks him under the table.

"Think about what I said, though." She raises a challenging eyebrow, as if to say ‘I’ll know if you don’t’ and he nods shortly.

"Great! Now," She goes to the pile she’s shoved off to the side, grabbing Newt’s literacy textbook, "Study your ass off."

Unbeknownst to Newt, as soon as he turned around to walk towards Teresa with their coffee, Thomas’ confident stance faltered and he looked uncanny to a deer caught in headlights.

He whispered out a panicked string of curses, bolting towards the door behind the counter and pushing open the employee break room.

Once he opens the door (More like stumbles through with more power than intended) the other two eyes of the employees fly towards him.

Minho — his best friend of three years and his beloved roommate — has his feet kicked up on the circular table, a packet of chips in his hand as he laughs at something the other employee, Aris, jokes.

Aris is fairly new to the job, unlike Thomas and Minho who had been working there since it opened. Minho being the nepotism baby he is, he barely works due to his parents owning the little stand-alone coffee house.

"Dude, you look like sh*t." Minho snickered, observing Thomas’ panicked state with no seriousness, "Did you get a stuck up rich ladies coffee wrong again?"

"Aris, go. Your turn." He tugged off his apron, flinging it at Aris who dropped his muffin to catch it.

"Jesus, Thomas, I just took my shift —"

"Go! Please." Thomas begged, looking over at Aris with that look in his eyes that he knew no one could say no to.

"f*cking hell, Thomas, you’re dangerous. Saying no to you is like kicking a malnourished, wet sopping puppy dog." Aris mumbled, tugging tight on the apron and stealing his own visor hat off the rack.

"I love you—"

"Oh, zip it." Aris scowls, with no true malice behind it, pushing open the door and letting it swing shut behind him.

"Shuck, man." Minhos voice brought him back to reality, "What the shuck happened to you?" He smiled, loving this more than he should. Dick.

"I flirted with Newt." Thomas slumped down in the seat opposite Minho, piling his arms atop of each-other and resting his head in his forearms.

Minho’s amused laughter roared through his ears, making Thomas groan. Minho always seemed to take great joy in Thomas’ pain and suffering.

"No way! What did you say? Did you embarrass yourself? Oh, I’m gonna have a field day when watching the tapes — "

"The tapes have audio?! Is that legal?" Thomas’ head whips up from where he snuggled in on himself, almost giving himself whiplash.

"It’s a grey area — Don’t try get outta this, buddy." Minho held up an accusing finger, pointing it Thomas’ way.

"Well, firstly, I wrongly assumed he and Teresa were a couple." Thomas cringed at himself, "But then he told me that he was ‘the gayest bloke you’ll ever meet’ and so was Teresa, and I —l

"Woah, stop. Teresa’s gay?" Minho sat up, pulling his legs down under the table and looking at Thomas confused. "As gay as the day is long."

"You’re kidding me! Dude, she’s so hot, though!" Minho whined, and Thomas sent him a warning glance. "I get why you were jealous over her."

"I was not jealous — that’s not the point! I stupidly said his gayness was good for me and then I called him pretty." Thomas flopped his head back down into his head in shame, Minho bursting out into laughter again.

"Oh, dude! This — this is f*cking priceless! Your life is just one big joke." Minho held his chest, causing Thomas to tug the hat off his head and throw it at Minho’s chest in retaliation.

"Uh— Ow!" Minho winced, offended. Thomas smiled, stealing his chips from across the table. "You provoked me."

"Whatever, dude. How did Newt react?" Minho sighed, leaning forward to steal his packet of chips back. Thomas groaned, rubbing his hands down his face.

"He just stared at me, dude! And he was like— totally different. He’s usually so cool and collected and sarcastic andhot.Oh, my God, I’ve told you how attractive he is, right? His hair is literally golden. Like, how is that possible? And it seems so soft! What do you think he uses? And he always has on these cool graphic t-shirts and baggy jeans. And smart, too. He’s always here studying and I’m a highschool dropout working in a coffee shop owned by my rich nepo baby best friends parents! Not to mention they pay for our rent! He’s so out of my league, Minho. And I probably just scared him off." Thomas ended his rant by falling into his hands, groaning loudly.

Minho sighs, looking down at Thomas’ sympathetically. Minho is not one for serious situations. He always tries to lighten up the mood with a joke to change the subject, he’s not good with touchy feel. Despite his parent’s richness, that’s all they were good for growing up. Ignoring him and his feelings and making it up with dollar bills.

Just as Minho goes to open his mouth, Thomas shoots back up, startling the Asian. "And did I mention he’s British?! His voice is so attractive. Oh, my God, Minho. I’m totally screwed. I barely know anything about him! He usually just listens when I start to ramble and, my lord, is he good at it. Sometimes I can just pretend I’m in a museum and I’m talking to a statue. I’m rambling again, aren’t I? Minho, please stop me before I start rambling about his eyes. Holy sh*t, Minho, his eyes — "

"Oh, for the love of — For the dignity of both of us, shut up!" Minho cried out, smacking the palm of his hand on the wooden table. Thomas jumps back, before he falters again and rubs his hands down his face.

"You’re so, totally gone for this dude." Minho laughs amusedly, looking at Thomas with a fond smile. Thomas spreads his fingers, letting his hazel eyes shine through the gaps. He nods sheepishly, his cheeks flushed hidden under his palms.

"Thomas," Minho starts, fiddling with his fingers, "You’re not out of his league. Have you seen yourself?" Minho asks, making Thomas scoff and shake his head.

"No, I’m serious! You’re hot, man! Smokin’ hot. If I wasn’t straight I’d definitely tap that — " Minho was cut off by Thomas kicking him under the table, the two chuckling lightly.

"For what it’s worth, Tommo, he was probably flushed because he likes you back. That’s textbook." Minho threw a couple of chips in his mouth, before he exploded out his seat startling Thomas.

"Dude, what the —"

"I’ll be your Barney!" Minho smiled, and Thomas’ eyes widened. "What?!"

"I’ll be your wingman! Your bro and sh*t. You know, you love that Sitcom. We can do ‘Haveee you met Thomas?’" Minho smiled maniacally, and Thomas stood up, placing his hands on his shoulders to calm him.

"Minho, that’s horrible—"

"Oh, my God! I’m even like Barney!" Minho cut him off again, laughing. "This is perfect. Please let me be your wingman. I should buy a suit—"

"Minho!" Thomas yelled, smacking his friend upside the head; finally capturing his attention. Minho let out a squeak, going to cup the back of his head.

"Please shut up. We’re not doing a Sitcom inspired wingman stunt. And on that matter, you’re not gonna be my wingman! I think I actually like this guy, Minho. I don’t need your crude ways of ‘helping.’" Thomas explained, taking his hands off Minho’s shoulders, itching at his wrist.

A nervous tick he’s had since forever, along with averting his eyes from Minho’s as he stares flushed at the circular wooden table. He and Minho are never with seriousness, always using humour to divert the situation or using their dark and twisted ways of comforting the other.

But instead, Minho sighs and placed his own heavy hand on Toms tense shoulders. He rolls the ball of his palm against his collar in a small attempt of comfort. And it actually works, loosening Thomas’ shoulders and making him look up at his best friend.

"As much as I was excited about being the Barney to your Ted, Tomboy, I get what you mean. You seem serious about this dude. I haven’t seen you like that since Rachel." Minho internally scolded himself for bringing up that old wound, but Thomas only seemed to shrink into himself ever so slightly.

Progress, Minho noted.

"I am serious, Min." He mumbles, his lips forming into a soft smile. "I think he’s the one." Thomas’ smile turns into a tiny smirk, dropping the reference in there subtly.

Even though he said it to reference he and Minho’s favourite Sitcom, he might’ve meant it just a little bit.

"Jesus, you really are my Ted. And he’s your Robin." Minho laughs, clapping Thomas on the shoulder while going back to lounge in the uncomfortable wooden seats.

Thomas cringes, shaking his head before walking over to the vending machine in the corner and digging around in his jean pockets for a quarter.

"Ew, no. I’m more of a Marshall, anyway. And even if I was Ted, he wouldn’t be my Robin. He’d be my Tracy. Or, if he was my Robin, I’d be Barney." Thomas explains, punching in the buttons for the packet of skittles.

"God, sorry. I forgot how geeky and nerdy you get about the ‘correct’ ships." Minho tries not to recall the endless hours of lectures he had to endure from Thomas when the brunette first introduced the show to Minho.

"And I’m Barney!" Minho scoffs after awhile, earning a guffaw from Thomas who shook his head with a smile before flopping down onto the black leather couch pushed into the far corner.

"You’re not Barney, man."

"Then who am I?" Minho questions, and Thomas looks in thought for a second before a teasing smile makes its way to his face.

"Sandy Rivers."

"How dare you!"

"Hey, Teresa?" Newt looks up from his computer and over his shoulder to where their beds are.

The cozy apartment is laid out simply. The main area is shaped in a square, large enough for three open-spaced rooms. But again, it’s all small. Their kitchen sits just beside the front door. It consists of two counters, a fridge littered with magnets and post cards, a rusty oven in a need for a cleaning and a breakfast bar closing it off. Classic white and black tiles cover that space, the ‘white’ tiles sun damaged and now a dingey yellow.

With just a slither of walking space next to it is their little living room. They have a small, L shaped couch with a coffee table in the off-centre. The oak-wood furniture is littered with stacked coffee mugs, piles of books, CD’s and important documents that really shouldn’t be near risk of a mug stain.

Theres a rectangular carpet underneath with whimsical designs he and Teresa bought when they went to holiday in Majorca a couple years ago. On the wall there’s a medium sized TV mounted, underneath is a stand that’s unsurprisingly cluttered.

Plants, hand crocheted teddies of their favourite fictional characters, — Thanks, Teresa — multiple porcelain cat figurines from antique charity shops and two hand painted pots that Teresa and Newt painted together on their first outing as friends.

Only fourteen and in a small neighbourhood, Teresa suggested they go to a hand pottery painting studio. Newt agreed, thinking nothing could go wrong. And at that time, Teresa still kind of intimidated him. But he will take that information to the grave.

They walked out of the studio a few hours later covered in paint, laughing and clinging onto eachother as they weakened themself with their hysterics. That was the day they really bonded, never letting eachother go and sealing up their friendship with cheap paint and letting it dry between them.

The living room stood in the far right corner, and just beside the couch was a large window that took up most of the small apartment. It led out to a balcony where more plants clung to the old, rustic stone barricades. Ivy danced around the cobble, along with baskets of Cornelia’s, Tulips and daisies. The balcony only had room for one red and white striped deckchair, a tiny glassy table with an ashtray and a potted cactus, and lastly, a pastel yellow watering can.

The bathroom sat right by the entrance, opposite the kitchen which was just their luck. They didn’t dwell on that for too long, the bathroom was simple enough. A bath with a pink and purple shower curtain and an old showering head that was either too hot or too cold. Unless, you were Teresa and Newt, who knew the exact mark you had to get it to so you don’t scald or freeze your skin. The toilet was the same, simplistic style and the sink matched.

Their bedroom was the largest room in the apartment. Twin beds were separated by two desks. One contained makeup, skincare, aftershave, perfume, a bunch of contraptions for your hair that Newt still didn’t understand, hair brushes, a whole wad of brown hair ties. The shelves above the white plastic desk contain nothing but Lego sets. One shelf for the ones Teresa built, one for Newt and the middle one for the sets they built together.

The other desk was more neat than the previous one. Books were shelved nearly above the brown wood desk, on the left contained Newt’s assignments and on the right was Teresa’s. Pots of stationary slotted into the back and sticky notes of reminders — or silly doodles — littered the wall behind. Infront of each of their beds was a chest of drawers full of their clothes.

Their beds had two sets of drawers underneath them, each containing their own respective belongings. Small bedside tables were snug between the space between the desks and their beds. Newt’s bedding was black with stars on it, while Teresa had poofy green bedding with rose vines printed on the sheets.

The only word used to describe their apartment was full. And cluttered. And messy. Overwhelming, of course. Distracting? Obviously.

Would this be their first choice? f*ck no. The duo would do anything for a wall of privacy between them. But they’ve learned to adapt, it was easy due to the love they share for one and other. Sometimes it was tiring, and spending such a cramped space with one person 24/7 caused petty arguments and they literally had nowhere else to go due to their very short list of friends.

( Literally. Their only other friend was this kid named Gally, and he wasn’t the comfort you needed after a fight with your platonic soulmate and best friend.)

That didn’t happen as much anymore, they’re adults. Well, nineteen. But they’re nearing the edge of their teenage years, so they consider themself mature enough to be able to live with eachother in such a small space.

"What’s up?" Teresa mumbles, sitting on her own bed with her sticker-covered laptop sitting before her.

Her right leg was pulled up to her chest, glasses on her nose and her hair tied back in a messy ponytail. She wore nothing but a white tank top and some pale pink pyjama pants, focused on typing up her most recent assignment.

"Do you think I should flirt back with Thomas tomorrow?" Teresa lifts her head at the mention of a certain brunette, looking Newt over.

His hair is more disheveled than it usually looks and he has on a dark grey t-shirt with ‘System Of A Down’ in red, chipped paint across his chest. Matched with his usual dark red, plaid pyjama pants. She sighs, clicking save and closing her laptop.

Newt watched as Teresa climbs of her comfortable bed and makes her way to the couch. It doesn’t take long, the soft plush dipping when she takes her seat next to him. She’s sandwiched right up against him, slotting between the space between him and the arm rest. Theirarms pressed tight against eachother. He doesn’t mind. Of course he doesn’t.

Her legs are tucked into themself, while the latter has one leg — his bum leg — stretched out across the ‘L’ and his other dangling off the side. The CD player that sits underneath the TV currently has ‘Riot!’ By Paramore in, Track 2; That’s what you get playing quietly so they could focus on school.

"Well, do you want to flirt back or do you feel obligated because he flirted with you first?" Teresa asked, looking over at Newt and analysing his face for anything.

Newt can’t decide if he loves or loathes Teresa’s nurse complex and her therapistic tendencies and her way of studying his face like a book she’s read a million times. The way one simple fault in the atoms of his face and she knows his exact feeling is haunting. Knowing that she knows him so well is comforting, especially when he’s as skilled as she is in that department.

Maybe they need to branch out in their friend group.

He brushed past that thought, shutting down his own laptop and praying on automatic save. The only light in the apartment being the vintage lamp on the coffee table and the light from the crescent moon from outside the window.

"I do want to flirt with him, " Newt states, looking ahead, and he feels Teresa nod her head in a silent way to tell him to continue.

The blonde sighs, licking his chapped lips and fiddling with his fingers in his lap, picking at his cuticles. A nervous tick. Teresa lays her hand over his and puts pressure, a silent gesture telling him to stop.

"But I’m gonna mess it up." Newt admits his insecurities, Teresa’s hand ontop of his squeezing his own, "Why’s that?" She asks, her voice soft and soothing.

"Because I always do. I’m not good at relationships. I flirt easily, yeah. But that’s flirting. And this is Thomas." He enunciates, looking up at the popcorn ceiling that he despises.

"And he’s so.. different." Newt finds himself smiling, finally letting all the weight off his chest from trying to hide the severity of his once considered small crush.

"He’s sweet and he always has this dopey grin on his face that just looks adorable. He has these moles on his face that look like a hand painted constellation and his nose is perfect, Teresa. His eyes are this honey hazel colour and every time we make eye contact my chest tightens." Newt’s smile widens, and his cheeks begin to ache. He’s so caught up in his rant he doesn’t notice Teresa’s admiring grin.

"But, don’t get me wrong, he’s cute and all but Teresa he’s so hot." Teresa laughs at his sudden change, contagious as her beautiful laughter is, he begins to laugh along. "I’m serious!"

Teresa’s laugh only grows louder, the two leaning into each other. Her forehead falls on his collarbone and he throws his head back in laughter, unbelieving of his own words. How had he gone from someone sworn off relationship to ranting about a cute barista he met a little over a month ago.

"And his voice! Oh, my God. Who knew an American accent could be so hot?" Newt shakes his head, Teresa giggling into his chest. His hand rests on her back, his thumb rubbing unconsciously up and down her spine.

"Shut up! All this boy talk is gross!" Teresa’s voice is mumbled through the fabric of Newt’s loose pyjama shirt, and he hides his face in her hair as he laughs at her words.

"And he’s so genuine, too! He seems like he seriously cares about what I have to say — when I do speak. I usually listen. I think I could listen to his voice for hour — " His voice is cut short when Teresa picks up one of their extra pillow’s and smacks it over his face.

He yelps, hearing Teresa’s hyena like laughter as he tugs the pillow from his face. Teresa has the soft pink pillow in her death grip, letting out a squeak when he tries to snatch it from her. In retaliation, she manages to whip it up into his face again.

"Oh, it’s on!" Teresa screams when he goes to grab her waist, the ravenette jumping into action and hopping over the arm of the couch and running towards their bedroom.

Newt, hot on her tail, manages to wrap his arms around her waist and tackle them both onto his bed. The two let out childish giggles, poking and tickling each-other as they roll and jump from his hers. Squeals and giggles fill the room as they act like little kids.

They may be nearing their twenties, but around eachother, they’re still the same fourteen year olds they met as.

Newt feels at ease with Teresa. He can be raw and authentically himself around her, even meaning if they act like siblings. Tickling, tackling and shoving eachother around their bedroom as they throw meaningless insults and teddies to defend themselves.

They finally yield after ten minutes, Teresa begging for her freedom and raving about how it’s a free country. Newt tackles her onto his bed, flopping off her immediately and the two land on their backs.Their chests heaving, smiles on their faces and breathy laughs as they stare at the glow in the dark stars spread out across the ceiling of their ‘bedroom.’

"puss*." Newt breaths out, looking over at Teresa. The girl only hums, a smirk appearing on her flushed face.

"You are what you eat." Newt gasps, sitting up and shoving her off his bed. To which she yells, falling onto the fuzzy carpet between their beds.

"You’re gross!" Newt laughs, still slightly out of breath from their childish activities.

"You love me." He doesn’t respond, because anything he wants to say would be a lie. "Whatever. Go to sleep, loser."

"Nerd." She replies, placing her laptop down on the floor, too lazy to go to the far desk and pulling the covers over herself.

"Geek." Newt fires back, and he turns on his back, curling into himself as he tries to catch up on his much needed sleep.

"Hey, Newt?" Teresa calls out into the darkness of their apartment. "Yeah?"

"You won’t ruin it." She says quietly , almost a whisper. Newt feels a soft smile make its way to his sleepy face.

And no more words are said between the two as they fall into their deep slumbers.

"You could write your number on his coffee cup?" Aris suggests, throwing a bouncy ball repeatedly on the tile floor of the break room.

Thomas whines, shaking his head that’s hidden in his arms. The three have been sitting in the break-room for the last ten minutes, Aris and Minho both throwing flirtation techniques out there. Ben, who worked part time, was currently working the front.

"No! That’s so cliche. And lame." Thomas mumbles into the fabric of his light blue henley, and Minho groans loudly from the seat besides Aris.

"Dude! We’ve suggested everything under the shucking sun! Nothing is good for you." Minho rolls his eyes, his arm rested on the back of the couch and around Aris’ shoulders.

"That’s the thing! Nothing is good enough. He’s too perfect for all your cringey klunk." Thomas shoots up, running his hands down his face. Aris makes a gagging noise.

"Gross." Aris chortles, bouncing the ball over to Minho who gladly snatches it. Thomas shoots the two a glare.

"I don’t know what to do!" Thomas pouts, resting his face in his palms; his hands pushing his cheeks together making him look like a sulking toddler.

"Maybe act casual. Like nothing happened, see if Blondie flirts with you." Minho tries again, but Thomas expectantly shakes his head ‘no.’

"No way. He doesn’t deserve that." Thomas leans back in the chair, tapping his fingers rhythmically against the wood as his brain jogs to try conjure up anything.

"There’s no winning with you, is there?" Minho raises an eyebrow, to which Thomas just ignores and keeps staring into the void. Minho sighs.

"Look, buddy, it’s almost 4. And that’s the time he and hottie arrive. Just go out there, tell Ben to get his cute butt back here and just see what happens." Minho speaks with a smirk, and Thomas shakes his head with an amused smile.

"She’s still a lesbian."

"And she’s still hot." Minho fires back, and Aris thumps him on the back of the head. Minho cries out, and Aris just shrugs.

"You an awful person."

"Takes one to know one." Minho grumbles, Thomas listening amused as he ties the apron around his waist and grabs the visor hat off the hook.

"See ya, Loverboy!" Aris calls out, waving weakly; ignoring Minho’s death glares his way. Thomas smiles brightly at Aris, letting the door swing as he makes his way out.

"Hey, Benny-Boy, you’re good. My shift just started." Thomas claps him on the shoulder, and the blonde scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Says who?"

"Minho." Thomas shrugs, taking the coffee cup from Bens hands and sends the lady a customer service smile. Ben mumbles something incoherent and makes his way to the break room without another question.

"Have a good day, ma’am." The lady smiles kindly, going back to her single table in the back of the coffee house.

Thomas spends the next five minutes absentmindedly cleaning and re-organising the baked goods stand; his brain pre-occupied with thinking of what to say to Newt. He’s in the middle of boredly counting the amount of lids they have when the bell above the door rings and he doesn’t suspect a thing. Because the usual melodic laughter of Teresa and Newt doesn’t fill his ears.

"Well, don’t you look chipper." Thomas jumps at the sound of the recognisably ethereal British accent, flinging the lid he was counting into the air.

"sh*t — Newt! You scared me." Thomas clutches his heart, looking up at Newt from where he was lent over the counter. He can’t exactly see with the visor, so he stands up straight and drinks in the beauty of Newt.

His hair is messy, but in the way it looks like it’s meant to be that way. He has a peach, brown and white plaid flannel on over the top of a band T-shirt that Thomas doesn’t exactly recognise. His usual pair of slightly baggy jeans and a belt tying them to his hips.

Thomas looks away from where he was admiring Newt, searching behind him and at their table for Teresa but she’s nowhere in sight. Thomas hums, looking back at Newt curiously.

"Where’s your partner in crime?" Thomas questions, and Newt smiles at the words and looks behind him nervously.

"That cheeky bugger took an extra shift at her job and didn’t bother to tell me until last minute. So, I’m here on my own." Newt shrugs, toying with the straps on his backpack.

Thomas’ eyes widened because he doesn’t think he’s seen Newt without Teresa glued to his side. It’s weird, but it makes Thomas feel a little relieved in a way. And that’s when, finally, the brunette figures it out.

"Well, if you need company, I’m no science genius — or a genius in general — I can sit with you." Thomas smiles sweetly, and Newt’s eyes widen and his cheeks are dusted with a pale pink blush that makes his heart tighten in his chest.

"I mean, do you really want to sit there while I study literature. It can be quite boring, mate." He laughs nervously, and Thomas shakes his head with the smile still glued to his face.

"Then I’ll just stare at your pretty face as you do so. You have a really cute concentration face." Thomas flirts, leaning on the counter with one arm. Trying to act as nonchalant as possible. He thinks he’s pulling it off by the reaction he gets from Newt.

But then, Newt seems to recall something and his soft smile is pulled up into a light smirk on one side and he leans forward ever so slightly. "You watch me?" Newt asks, teasingly.

Thomas’ façade fades shockingly quick, his eyes widening and his cheeks darkening from embarrassment. But, quickly as he can muster, he collects himself and shrugs, grabbing the white coffee cup.

"What can I say? I admire what’s worth admiring." Thomas doesn’t look up from where he’s writing on the cup, but judging from the little stuttering noise from the back of Newt’s throat, he thinks he just about nailed it.

"I — What about your job?" Newt asks, shifting around on his feet. His sneakers making faint squeaky noises against the wooden planks off the floor.

"I’ll just drag someone from the back." Thomas shrugs, "Minho would never fire me, he loves me too much." Thomas smiles up at Newt, whose face seems to now be permanently layered in a light blanket of pale pink blush. It’s barely noticeable, but Thomas thinks it’s adorable.

"Well, how can I say no to that?" Newt smiles warmly, grabbing another crumpled note from his pocket.

Thomas holds his hand out, but instead of making grabby hands for the money, he holds his palm out infront of him to stop Newt. The blonde knits his eyebrows together in confusion.

"It’s on me, dummy." Thomas says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, using his own hand to tuck Newt’s fingers in on himself.

He notes that Newt’s hands feel cold to touch, but they warm up under Thomas’ enclosed palm. Newt stares at their hands for a brief moment, looking up at Thomas skeptically.

"Are you sure Minho loves you enough to give coffee out on the house?" Newt asks, and Thomas makes a ‘pfft’ sound and squeezes his hand.

He tries not to think about how long he’s been holding his hand over Newts.

"Just take your coffee and go sit down." Thomas lets go of his hand, using all of his willpower not to cling onto his cold hands forever, and inclines him to take the coffee.

Newt reluctantly takes the cup, silently walking over to the booth in the back corner. And he’s never been more glad for Newt to take the seat facing away, as he does a dorky fist bump in the air and bolts towards the door in the same fashion he did a day prior.

All three of his co workers jump at the sudden noise, but all relax when they see it’s Thomas. Thomas being all hyper isn’t news to the three boys, so they continue to snack.

"Ben, you’re back out there!" Thomas can’t wipe the smile off his face as he hangs up his apron and hat, looking down at the blonde with a wide grin.

"What?! But I just got comfortable!" Ben sighs, leaning back on the couch. Thomas rolls his eyes, annoyed, but is still smiling despite himself.

"I’m actually about to hang out with Newt, so I will literally do anything for you to just do your job!" Thomas leans down and grabs Ben by his white t-shirt, looking like a maniac from a distance.

But this behaviour is normal from Thomas. Especially when he’s trying to get what he wants. Minho grins wickedly from beside Ben, shoving the boys shoulder.

"My best friends about to get laid after six months! You get your ass out there, Ben!" Thomas scrunches up his face at Minho’s way with words, ignoring the glare Ben throws him as he begrudgingly grabs his own apron and hat.

"Go get him, Loverboy!" Aris smiles, Minho wolf whistling as Thomas darts for the door; not even bothering to spare Ben a glance as he rushes towards the back of the Café.

Newt looks up at the sudden noise, relaxing when he sees it’s just Thomas. The American takes notice of the laptop open in-front of him, two textbooks stacked ontop of eachother and a notebook that’s filled with bullet points and doodles on the other side of the technology.

Thomas slides into the seat opposite him, less than gracefully, and smiles over at him. After finding out it wasn’t anyone dangerous, Newt was immediately back engrossed with his essay. Thomas, with his curious nature, goes to pick up the book on the top of the pile.

It’s a book he’s never heard of and he quizzically studied the front cover and is a girl, the photo just from her thighs and she’s wearing a dress and some cute, black shoes. The photo is worn, and the text on the side reads ‘The Bell Jar.’

"Who’s Sylvia Plath?" Thomas reads aloud the authors name, definitely butchering the pronunciation, never having heard of the name before.

"An absolute heaven sent." Newt mumbles, a small smile on his face as he continues to type away on his computer.

"Whatcha working on?" Thomas asks, skimming over the blurb of the book and looking through to see if it has any drawings. He learns halfway through that it was fruitless, considering it was a College literature book.

"Just writing an essay, Tommy. It’s nothin’ special." Newt mumbles, his eyes moving back and forth quickly as his long, slim fingers dash across the keyboard.

Thomas admires it, really. The fierce concentration on his face, his eyebrows slightly pinched together, his dark-brown eyes quaintly squinted and his jaw is hardened and his lips are pressed in a firm, tight line.

Every so often he looks back at his notes, picking up his chewed pen and jotting down something new. Thomas watches his every move, something akin to a love-sick fool. He knows that if he was in a 80s cartoon, he’d have heart eyes and a baby with a harp swooping around his head as it plays a romantic melody.

Soon, despite what he said earlier, the restless teen gets bored having not moved his mouth or limbs in the past ten minutes give or take. So, he taps Newt’s foot with his own. The blonde doesn’t notice at first, and if he does, he ignores it. It takes Thomas several more attempts to get his attention.

"What?" He looks up from his laptop, exasperated and vexed. But those feelings fade when he sees Thomas’ little grin. "Wanna play 20 questions?"

Newt’s eyebrows raise at his question, and then his face is finally relaxing. The lines between his eyebrows fade and his jaw slacks. His eyes soften and a warm smile appears on his face.

"Technically, that was a question. So you only have nineteen questions to ask me." Newt corrects, closing the laptop and looking back at the brunette.

"Dont get all smart with me, Blondie. Starting now, let’s play 20 questions." Thomas’ tone make it out so sound annoyed, but his smile was toothy and showing his blissful affection for Newt.

"Fine. What’s your favourite colour?" Newt asked, "Blue. Do you like flowers?" Thomas responded immediately, the question throwing Newt off guard.

"Uhh.. ‘M not the biggest fan, honestly. But I guess I like Cornelia’s. Teresa grows them on our balcony." Newt answers, and Thomas nods with a smile; mentally noting that down. "What’s your go-to karaoke song?" Newt questions.

Thomas’ face softens, looking at Newt with an expression he can’t quite register. "You actually listen to the sh*t I ramble about?" Thomas asks, his voice delicate and flustered. His face wore this shocked expression that melted Newt’s heart.

"Yeah, ‘course I do, Tommy. That was also another question wasted, and you didn’t even answer mine." Newt smiled teasingly, and the spell Newt had casted on Thomas halted and he rolled his eyes at Newt’s smart-assery.

"Okay, you can’t make fun of me." Thomas’ tanned cheeks flush from shame, and Newt’s warm smile only grew even more teasing; waiting for the embarrassing answer. "I won’t." Maybe it was a lie, but Newt would never insult the man before him anything but jokingly.

"’The Sweet Escape’ by Gwen Stefani." Thomas answers sheepishly, and Newt’s jaw drops and he lets out a quiet laugh, quickly covering his mouth with his hand.

"You said you wouldn’t make fun of me!" Thomas gasps, pointing a finger at Newt, and his faux offended expression only makes Newt laugh harder. "I-I’m not! I swear!" His voice shakes as he tries to suppress the laughter that tries to claw its way out his chest, making his body tremble.

"You are!"

"I’m sorry! I’m just imagining it!" The image pops up in his mind again, and not even the hand covering his lips can muffle the cackles that slip from his mouth. Thomas crosses his arms, similar to a child sitting on the naughty step and watches Newt as he laughs at him.

It’s hard to remain angry when the bright beaming smile that rests upon Newt’s face is so damn alluring and gorgeously perfect. His eyes crinkle, turning into pretty crescent moons at Thomas’ expense.

Thomas wonders if anyone else gets to experience this. Newt is probably — no, definitely — the most beautiful person Thomas had ever seen. His hair was golden, some strands dirtying with the time and others sun-bleached carrying white-ish hues. Thomas yearns to know what it would feel like, his own fingers carding through what seems to be the softest hair he’s ever laid his eyes upon.

When the sun is revealed by the clouds, the rays shining through the window of the coffeehouse and bleeding wistfully into the side of Newt’s face Thomas’ breath gets trapped in his throat. If Thomas assumed Newt was ethereal before, the being before him was otherworldly. The light of the sun gives the left side of his face a celestial glow, his pale skin revealing fair angel kissed freckles doting his cheeks and nose.

Thomas secretly pinches himself underneath the table, unbelieving that someone could be that breathtaking. Even while ugly laughing over imagining him himself belting out the lyrics to Gwen Stefani, Tom adores it.

Newt doesn’t even to notice the way Thomas is looking at him, distracted by trying to stop his own roars of laughter. The way Thomas is full on praising every atom in his facial structure.

"Okay— Okay!" Newt suppresses his laughter, now only arriving in spaced out giggles, "If it helps your utter shame and embarrassment, me and Teresa memorised Bring me to life by Evanescence as a duet in sophom*ore year." He paused for a moment, looking up at Thomas.

Thomas’ once adoring and soft expression shifted the moment Newt mentioned the rock song into pure amusem*nt and bewilderment.

"And we still can." Thomas gasps, his mouth turning into a circular shape as he staggers out something akin to a scoff and a laugh.

"Oh, my God. I am so taking you and Teresa to my favourite karaoke bar." Thomas smiled widely, relishing in the look that took over Newt’s face. Wide eyed and blushing.

"What? No way!" Newt disagrees, "Also, we’re not twenty one, how do you already have a favourite bar?" Newt always found it astonishing that he had to wait an extra three years than he did in England.

"A guy Minho is friends with works there, he sneaks us in." Thomas grins proudly, sitting back in his seat, tapping his fingers along the edge of the wooden table.

"Didn’t know you were such a rule breaker." Newt snorts sarcastically, and Thomas rolls his eyes. "Hey, I did drop out of High-school."

"Oh, yeah. Highschool dropout who works in a coffee house, such a turn on." Newt jokes, and Thomas smiles teasingly. "I turn you on?" Newt’s eyes widen marginally, swatting Thomas on the hand across the table.

"Oh, slim it, Tommy." Newt scoffs, "That was a serious question apart of our game, Newton. I think you should answer it truthfully and honestly." Thomas’ once noble grin has turned up into silly smirk.

"Atleast buy me a drink first before asking if you turn me on." Newt diverts once again with a joke, taking a long sip of his coffee. Using the cup to shield his cheeks from where he knows they’re blushing from the heat that’s spread across his entire being.

"Okay, I will." Newt pauses at the latters words, taking the cup away from his lips, "At the karaoke bar tonight, it’s a Friday so I know you don’t have class tomorrow."

Newt places his cup back down on the coaster, his eyes casting downwards onto the copy of The Bell Jar dropped infront of Thomas on the table. He toys with his bottom lip, biting at the skin, contemplating.

On one hand, this seemed too good to be true. The hot, sweet, rambling, hyper, not to mention hot barista he had been gawking at for weeks seemed to be asking him out on a date. But on the other, that means the hot, sweet, rambling, hyper, hot barista would hear him belting out the lyrics to any Paramore song Teresa could convince them to play.

He weighs out the pros and cons, but all the questions he had in his head fade away when he finally meets Thomas’ eyes again. The hot sun catches the Americans honey glazed iris’, showing the raw, authentic beauty of them. Hazel meets brown and brown blends wonderfully with the green outer shell. His eyes display mixtures of emotion that claw at Newt’s beating heart.

Hope, fear, inquiry and something Newt couldn’t quite read. All his intent on declining were whisked away, and he crumbled under the brunettes gaze.

"Sure, Tommy." Newt whispered, his lips pulled into a delicate smile. All the fear vanished from Thomas’ eyes, replaced with contentment and loving.

"Great! It’s a date." Thomas winked — Oh, my God, he winked. Sliding out the booth and walking a few steps, placing a firm hand on Newt’s bicep. "Bring Teresa."

And then he started to walk away, leaving Newt staring at the place he once stood. Beaming and blushing, Newt started to laugh airily in disbelief. Until it came down on him that he had no idea where the bar was, what is was called or what time.

He turned around in his seat, ready to go ask, when clearly his move was interpreted and he heard a shout from the counter. "Read your cup, dummy!" Thomas was there, back in his visor hat and apron — how long was Newt zoned out for thinking about Thomas?

Flushed deeper for a whole new reason, Newt picked up his cup and swirled it around in his hand; finally reading the words in black sharpie his brain didn’t think to read earlier.

’4 Newt<3 — here’s my number :)’

His eyes stayed glued to the heart for a few moments, before looking down and seeing Thomas’ number in his unruly handwriting.

Thomas had taken into consideration his whole plan beforehand, knowing he would need his number. So much for turning down Aris’ suggestion.

Newt tried to go back to studying, but he physically couldn’t focus knowing that hazel eyes were burning into the back of his head every time he moved a finger across the keyboard. So after a whopping fifteen minutes of doing nothing, he sipped the last drops from his cup and packed up his things into his backpack. Including the empty cup, he stashed that away with care so the writing would still be readable.

Despite his apartment being the last place he would like to study at, the multiple distractions seemed way more easier than being in the same room as Thomas.

On his way out, he was stopped by said distraction with a hand grasping his wrist.

"I have one more question." Thomas smiled, and Newt turned around; trying not to think too hard about their proximity.

"Mhm?" Newt tried to keep his gaze on Thomas’ eyes, but every passing second Newt found it more difficult not to just look a few inches downwards.

"Do you like olives?" Now that was definitely not what Newt expected. Or hoped. But then again, Thomas was an enigma, and he loved that.

"Uh, yeah. I like ‘em. Why?" Newt asked, and Thomas’ smile only grew wider. "I just needed to know if this would be worth it." Thomas looked down at Newts lips, the blonde copied the action.

From what he gathered, Thomas’ lips were slightly plumper than his. Pale pink, circular and inviting with the way his tongue darted out and wetted them nervously.

"How does me liking olives make it worth it?" Newt whispered, swallowing thickly. As much as this moment made his insides swirl all warm, gooey; it also made him rightfully confused.

"Long story. I have one more question." Thomas moved closer, his voice dropping lowly, his eyes trained on Newt’s cupid-bow lips. Newt’s heart started beating faster, and Thomas — with his hand still on Newt’s wrist — would be a fool not to notice the uptick in his pulse.

Newt nodded, not trusting his vocal cords due to the tightness in his throat. Almost simultaneously, their eyes looked back up to meet. Thomas was shorter than Newt by two inches, and the sight was breathtaking. He looked through his eyelashes, and his free hand ghosted up Newt’s arm and landed soft on his shoulder.

Thomas started to toy with the collar of his flannel between his fingers, his eyes looking down at his own fingers with the fabric between them. His fingertips brushed faintly against Newt’s neck and the anticipation of Thomas’ dragged out question almost killed him.

"Can I kiss you?" Thomas’ words were whispered carefully, almost inaudible. But his face, so close that Newt felt his warm puffs of air, he heard it blissfully clear.

Newt brought his hand, the one that wasn’t being held by Thomas, and rested it delicately on the cusp of his neck and shoulder. Thomas studied his every move, and reacted when Newt nodded gingerly with a small smile.

With a tug on his wrist pulling him forward, their noses bumped together and Newt urged his head to tilt upwards by soothing his thumb up towards his jaw. Their eyes fluttered shut and their lips ghosting over one another’s, their hot breaths ghosting together in anticipation.

Thomas releases his hold on Newt’s wrist, and swiftly clasped his other hand on Newt’s jaw and pulled him closer to where their lips finally met in the middle. Newt breathed in deeply, contentedly.

His hand that was floating, unknowing, now made home on Thomas’ hip, smiling into the kiss. He tucked his index finger into the loops of his jeans, pulling him closer and flushing him against him. He used his hand to angel Thomas’ head to the side, the visor hat brushing against his forehead.

Thomas’ hand traveled from his shoulder and into his hair that he longed for, carding his fingers into the soft hair at the nape of his neck. It was just how he dreamed it, despite looking unbrushed and unkept all the time, it was soft and fragile to touch. The long-ish strands seeped through his fingers, his nails scraping against Newt’s scalp gently.

Newt hummed into the kiss, trying to pull Thomas impossibly closer. But when he soon remembered they were in a public coffee house — and his need for oxygen — he reluctantly pulled away slowly, not far, but just enough to get air flow.

"I’ll see you tonight?" Thomas mumbled, his lips leaving a fleeting touch to Newt’s own as he spoke. Opening his eyes, their eyelashes intertwining as they stared into eachothers soul.

"Yeah. Definitely." Newt smiled, Thomas’ hands slipping from his body as he pulled away. Soon the only touch between them was Newt’s hand on his neck, that only left for a moment before he pulled back the visor hat off his head.

Thomas watched adoringly as Newt used his other hand to brush his fingers through his own hair, before planting a feather light kiss on the crown of his head. Thomas’ mouth was opened ever so slightly, not saying a word as Newt placed his hat back on his head. "Sorry. Been wantin’ to do that for a while."

"Yeah. Me too." Thomas responds dumbly, smiling up at him, his cheeks dusted rosy. Newt shook his head amusingly, patting Thomas on the shoulder.

Thomas watched him walk away with the cocoon of butterflies that had waited weeks to erupt flutter around his stomach, their wings vibrating against the lining causing a pleaser hum throughout his body.

Minho was definitely right when he said he was so gone for Newt.

Almost two minutes later he got a text, and he opened his phone that sat snug in his back pocket to read it. He smiled warmly when it was from an unknown number, and the sentence that came with it only made him smile even wider.

You never told me what the olive thing was about?

"You kissed him?!" Minho shrieked, whipping around from where he was styling his hair in the mirror; facing Thomas who sat giddy on the latters bed.

As soon as their shift ended, Thomas had told Minho that Teresa and Newt would be joining them to The Glade — And also that they were going to The Glade tonight. Minho didn’t complain for one second, the upbeat, relaxed bar was his safe haven, aswell as Thomas’.

But what Tom failed to tell Minho until the last second, was that he and Newt shared a very brief kiss in Runner’s. Although it didn’t feel as short as it was, to Thomas, that soft touch of lips lasted days. Weeks, months years — an eternity.

When he flapped his fingers back and forth like wings — another stimulus he picked up — he could still feel Newt’s delicate, fluffy golden locks. He could still feel the buzz on his lips, a ghost of his love. And the ecstasy that flew through his veins never faltered, only stilling and leaving a giddy tingle in a sheet over his body. Especially on his forehead, where his fingers had briefly brushed against when he moved his hair out of his face to press the firm kiss to his forehead.

"Yeah. I saw him go to leave and I don’t know I acted on impulse." Thomas shrugged, scratching at his wrist as he made eye contact with Minho in his mirror.

"What a shock!" Minho smiles sarcastically, chuckling softly when Thomas flips him off in return. "Did you ask if he liked olives?" Minho asked, knowing his friend.

"Yeah, he loves them." Thomas smiles, and Minho lets out a cheesy grin as he turns around and leans against the stack of drawers with a laugh; folding his arms over his middle.

"I’m impressed, Tomboy. He seems to tick all the boxes." Minho then started to laugh to himself, amusedly, the same Newt had done when he pictured Thomas singing.

"What?" Thomas questioned, self consciousness digging its wicked fingers into the grooves of his brain.

"Did you seriously geek out about How I Met Your Mother before kissing the poor bastard? And continue to do so over text once he left?" Minho tried repressing his laughter, but the situation deemed itself too hilarious to not.

"In my defence, he asked. And you know me, I can’t seem to shut the f*ck up."

"Understatement of the god damn year." Minho mumbled, yet Thomas heard it as if he was speaking right beside his ear. He scoffed, standing up.

"Also, I let him rant to me about the book he’s reading." Thomas ran his fingers through his untameable hair, against Minho as they stared at their reflections.

"It’s honestly quite depressing." Thomas says, "It worries me." His pin-straight lips turn into a frown, Minho raises an eyebrow; fixing the buttons on his dark purple button down.


"Because," He sighs, dropping his hands from his hair to his hips, "Based on what he told me, it’s super depressing." Thomas says, pausing for a second, "As in; the woman who was writing it wanted to die. Killed herself a week after publishing by sticking her head in an oven." His voice is quiet, and his mind thinking repeatedly over what singular thought clouded his mind.

"And why does that worry you? He’s into dark sh*t, so what?"

"The thing is," Thomas huffed at Minhos dismissal, "he sounds like he relates to it, Minho. The way he talks about it it’s like .. he understands." His voice is defeated, sadness and the familiar need to protect seeps into his veins and bleeds out into his mouth; staining his teeth and weaving into his words.

"Thomas," Minho begins, seemingly noticing the brunettes deflate, "You don’t need to worry about that. Not now, atleast. And definitely not right before this double date." Thomas scoffs at that.

"How many times to I have to remind you that she’s a lesbian? No co*cks, especially not yours. Boobies, Minho, boobies! Does she have to walk out, dressed in red, orange, white, pink and purple just to get it through your thick skull? Or does she have to be physically inside of a girl?" Thomas’ words drip with exhaustion, tiredness and straight up annoyance. Minho rolls his eyes.

"I’m kidding. I know she’s into chicks, and not my dick — Hey, look! I’m a poet and I didn’t even know it!" Thomas shoves his shoulder, eliciting a laugh out of him.

"Okay! What I’m saying is, I won’t make any moves on her. I’m a respectful gentleman. But it’s nice to see you’re so protective of Newt’s best friend." Minho smiles, grabbing his cologne from the futuristic looking side table.

"He cares about her more than he seems to care about himself. It feels like an obligation to protect Teresa, too." Thomas explains, "Also, she seems pretty cool."

"I bet. But, seriously, Thomas; don’t worry about him. I’m sure it’s nothing. I just want this night to be perfect for you. You’ve been miserably pining over this bastard since you first laid eyes on him." Minho laughed at his own words breathily, placing the cologne back down after spraying himself.

Thomas blushes at his words, no matter how painstakingly true they are, he’s still embarrassed how he let himself fall so fast he’s already overprotective and worrying about Newt’s every move.

"So, push that worry down, and let’s have ourselves a f*cking great time and burn our throats raw singing." Minho fixed the buttons on Thomas’ black henley, brushing his shoulders clean.

"Okay." Thomas sighed, closing his eyes and calming himself, "Let’s go." Thomas started to walk out of the room, knowing Minho was following and made his way towards their kitchen and leaned against the modern counters & pulled out his phone.

we r heading out now! :)

Thomas puts his phone back in his pocket after sending the message, hearing Minho yell from the front door that he’s about to leave without him. Inpatient little sh*t.

He pulls his hoodie off the rack by the door, slipping it on as he slides past Minho, scowling. "I was just texting him to get moving, don’t get your panties in a twist."

Minho laughs without any trace of humour, rolling his eyes and locking the door. They live on the sixth floor, so they pack themselves into the reasonable sized elevator as they started talking about who was the worst customer today. Just to drown out the sound of the forever haunting elevator music.

When Thomas slides into Minho’s BMW, his phone pings in his pocket. Doing up his seatbelt with one hand, he pulls his phone out to check the notification. ‘Newt<3’ is in bold letters and he unknowingly smiles to himself.

Me and Resa just walked out the door. ( She sure takes her damn time.) Anyway, what do we do when we get there? Not to sound like a prude but i’ve never had to sneak into a bar. Being of age in England and all.

Thomas laughs softly at his inexperience, hearing the sound ofSilver Springsby Fleetwood Macplay quietly from the speakers of Minhos car.

wait by the side of the bar and we will b there as soooqn as possisble!! :P

He gets another message quickly complaining about his spelling — ‘Can definitely tell you dropped out of school, Tommy’ — and agreeing to what the message was actually was about. The rest of the drive is filled of Thomas and Minho singing along to the lyrics of I Love It by Icona Pop, Sexy Drug by Falling In Reverse and Party In The USA by Miley Cyrus.

His and Minhos music taste consists of their favourite songs from the 2010’s to the 90’s. From Pop to Rap to Indie; their music taste doesn’t falter from that small decade. It’s usually old pop songs that you’d hear in clubs during that time, and despite the amount of complaints from their friends to listen to new, trending songs they adamantly refuse.

No matter how many times Aris, Brenda and Alby call them cringe.

"You look like you’re about to sh*t yourself." Teresa comments, smiling a sh*t eating grin as she leans against the brick corner-wall of the bar. Luckily, the bouncer hadn’t noticed them sneak around to the side nor questioned them.

"Shut up, I’m nervous." Newt sighs, taking another drag of his cigarette. He runs his hand through his hair for the umpteenth time, letting the smoke sit in his lungs for a moment.

"Yeah, I can tell. Why?" Teresa questions, plucking the cigarette from Newt’s fingers and wrapping her lips around it; staining the stick with a rim of red lipstick.

Newt blows out the grey smoke, watching as the cold air whisks it away into the night sky with ease. He leans his head back against the wall, tapping his foot and scratching as his nails. Teresa watches him expectantly, flicking the ash off the cig.

"I can’t believe I’m on a date with him, T. It’s crazy and I’m totally gonna screw it up." Newt sighs, quickly taking the cigarette back and taking a deep inhale; not caring about the lipstick stain that now rubs a faint red tint onto the inside of his pale lips.

"You’re not going to screw it up, Newt." Teresa calms, placing her hand on his shoulder, rubbing her thumb against the soft fabric of his baggy black hoodie.

For someone who was technically on a date, Newt didn’t exactly look the part. Baggy jeans with small rips, a plain white, loose shirt with a red flannel; and his hoodie pulled over the top to shield him from the crisp, autumn air.

He did try and brush his hair, but he soon regretted it when it fluffed up more than usual and kept its long shag. Teresa tried to help, putting half of his thick hair into a ponytail on the back of his head but he quickly took it out. He knew his hair was long, it curled around his neck and warmed him during the cold times; but it didn’t mean he loved the way Teresa played with it any chance she got.

Teresa on the other hand, had on a pair of low waisted, flared jeans, a belt covered in little gemstones that hung loose on her hips and her pink thong on show. While she had on a crop tank-top with three strawberries in the centre and her signature wine red cropped jacket. It shows off the black piercing in her navel.

Newt is almost 100% sure Teresa is going to end up going to some girls apartment because he knows how hot she look. He’s just glad it won’t be to their apartment, as he’s once again, almost 100% sure that nobody could have sex in their cramped apartment and their single beds.

"He’s, like, totally inlove with you based of what you told me. " Teresa smiles up at him, and Newt can’t fight back the smile that climbs onto his lips.

"I guess you’re right." As he speaks, the smoke slips from the barrier of his teeth and rolls out his lips and fades into nothing; curling into the sky. "I don’t think I could screw it up if I tried." He smirks.

"Ugh, sometimes I forget how big your ego is. I don’t need Thomas to fill it any more or you’ll be insufferable." Teresa recoils from him, snatching the end of the cigarette and taking the last intake you possibly could before stomping it out on the ground with her heavy Doctor Martins.

"He’s already done that, Resa. He’s so sweet. And hot. Have I said that yet?" He teases, smirking down at her and relishing in the pure disgust on her face. "You’ve said that too many f*cking times! I get it! You want to be in his pants." Teresa clamps her hands over her ears childishly, and Newt just laughs.

"I love you, Resa." His words are soft, blending into his breathy laugh as he wraps both his arms around her neck and pulls her into his chest.

She mocks protest for a short while until she soaks into the hug, wrapping her arms around his middle and resting her cheek against his sternum. "You’re still a dick." Her voice is muffled by Newt’s hoodie, and he nods in agreement resting his chin atop of her head.

"I know." He smiles, "It’s my best feature." Teresa shoves him away at the innuendo, making a sound of disgust that’s overthrown by Newt’s bubbling laughter.


"What did Newt do now?" The two jump, seeing Minho and Thomas walking up to them with grins on their faces.

"He made joke about his penis." Teresa complains, the grossed look never leaving her face as she looks anywhere but Newts sh*t-eating face. "Oh? What about?" Minho asks, smirking at Thomas.

"He said his penis was his best feature! Which is gross! And not true!" Teresa groans, almost whining childishly. Newt just shrugs an arm around her shoulder.

"Thomas can be the judge of that." Minho nudges the brunette with his arm, and red hot blush scorches Thomas’ cheeks. Teresa finally laughs, looking up to see Newt’s wide eyed and pink face.

"Let’s just — let’s just go in." Thomas mumbles, shoving past Minho, grabbing Newts hand and walking them further into the alleyway. Teresa and Minho trail behind them.

"So how exactly are we getting into this place?" Teresa questions, wrapping her arms around herself for warmth. When of course, Minho decides to swing an arm around her shoulder.

"Well, pretty lady, our friend is a bartender here and she sneaks us in." Minho smiles down at her, akin to the cheshire cat, which makes Teresa scoff and turn away.

"Great." She notes, rolling back her shoulders to give Minho a subtle sign she doesn’t want his arm there. He just smirks and looks away; the little sh*t.

Thomas looks behind him and shakes his head, pulling Newt closer by his hand to whisper into his ear; "I’m so, so sorry if Minho makes Teresa uncomfortable. He knows she’s a lesbian he just likes being a dick."

Newt follows his eyeline, noticing Teresa’s arms are still hugged around herself and her head is turned and faced away from Minho while he is rambling about something or other; urging Resa to look his way. Newt rolls his eyes, his eyes meeting Thomas’ with a now softer look.

"She’s a big girl, Tommy, she can handle herself. And if Minho is really making her uncomfortable she could easily kick his ass." Newt speaks with a fond smile, looking infront of him; the alleyway pretty long and goes quite far back.

"Really?" Thomas’ tone says he doesn’t believe it, "Minho’s practically a body builder." Thomas snorts, and Newt turns and gives Minho a one over before shrugging.

"You underestimate Teresa." He says simply, and offers no backstory to his words, as they’ve arrived at the slick black door around the back of the bar. Through the thick bricks he can hear the booming of music, and the shrill sound of drunk voices looming over it.

Thomas knocks in a rhythmic pattern and they wait approximately twelve seconds before the door swings in, the music now loud in their ears and before them stands a girl. About 5’3, with short brunette hair tied into a bun with a few strands framing her face. Tan skin, big brown eyes and long eyelashes. She’s unmistakably gorgeous, and when he turns to look at Teresa, she seems to agree.

She’s staring at the bartender with wide eyes, and pink lays beneath her freckles; and immediately — and aggressively so — shoves Minhos arm off from around her shoulders. The bartender is wearing tight black jeans and a matching black button up, and as Newt squints his eyes he sees her name tag reads Brenda.

"Hey, Thomas." Brenda smiles, her voice drips in a warm, smooth hispanic accent that’s been ever-so-slightly watered down by her time in America.

Her eyes trail towards where Newt and Teresa have subconsciously herded together, and he notes how her eyes linger on Teresa for a longer moment necessary. And the way her smile turns up when she looks her over. "I see you’ve brought friends." Her gaze lingers on Teresa, and Teresa’s lips smile sheepishly.

"Yeah! This is Newt — my date — and this is Teresa, his best friend." Newt blushes at the casual mention of him being Thomas’ date, giving Brenda a smile.

Teresa, on the other hand, stupidly raises her hand and waves at Brenda as if she isn’t a foot infront of her. She has a shy smile on her face, very different towards her natural charm and boldness. Newt doesn’t think he’s ever seen her this sheepish before.

"And I’m here? You didn’t even say hi to me, Brends!" Minho complains, and Brenda just shrugs, not caring. "You annoy me." She responds simply, before turning back to Thomas; ignoring the way Minho scoffed.

"Come on." She tilts her head back, already beginning to walk through the dimly lit back, and the four immediately follow. Brenda leads them down a corridor, before pushing open another black door that leads them to the bar.

Once inside, Newt takes a look around and is pretty awestruck. Multiple records and CD’s hang on the wall as decoration, along with plaques and posters from different bands and singers. The walls and floor are wooden planks, all rustic and worn in. The walls are maroon while the floor’s a light linen. In the far corner, there’s a stage — again, made from wood — with two microphones and a projector behind it.

Beside it has a desk with a laptop connected to two speakers that stand either side of the wooden stage, and their other friend Alby sits at the spinny seat; smiling amusedly as a drunk man sing ‘What’s My Age Again?’ by Blink-182.

Around the edges of the bar sit booths, all cushioned and red, with mahogany tables and coasters in the shapes of vinyls. Dotted around the centre is a few circular tables ranging from two to four seats around them. And then, of course, where they’re standing is the bar with five stools spread across and two mixologists already working hard.

The two send weary looks towards them, but Brenda just gives them a warning look and they just go back to making the fruity co*cktails and passing out cold bottles of beer.

"I reserved you guys a booth when Thomas told me you were coming." Brenda turns around, giving them all a smirk as she once again leads them towards a small booth in the back of the bar.

Newt assumes she did that so nobody could really get a good look at them and notice their slightly youthful faces. Newt thanks her silently, as he’s well aware of his angel face that usually gets grandmas pinching at his cheeks.

Brenda plucks a little ‘Reserved’ sign from the centre of the table, moving out the way so the four can slide into their seats. Newt and Teresa slide into the side facing away from the stage while Thomas and Minho choose the latter. Thomas and Newt are opposite each-other beside the wall. .

"So, what can I get ya?" Brenda takes out a notepad from her back pocket along with a green pencil, amusing her friends with her lack of professionalism.

"I’ll just have a beer." Minho orders, winking at Brenda in the process. That guy seems to flirt with anything that moves, and seems to lack a gland in his brain where shame should be stored.

"Disaronno and diet co*ke." Thomas smiles politely, and Brenda shakes her head and grins because, well, he orders the same thing every time.

"Do you do mudslides here?" Teresa requests, and Brenda smile softens as she looks up from the paper; a certain something twinkling in her eyes as they connect with Teresa’s piercing blue ones.

"They’re not on the menu, but I think I can make an exception for such a pretty face." Brenda flirts, writing down Teresa’s order. But not before letting her eyes linger across Teresa’s whole face and body; making her interest known.

Heat consumes Teresa’s cheeks as she sinks down slightly in her seat, looking over at Newt with wide eyes. He just stared back at her with raised, proud eyebrows.

"And for Thomas’ gentleman?" Brenda jokes, earning a glare from Thomas as Newt fumbles to scan over the menu again.

"Blue lagoon." He states, handing the menu over to Brenda. She takes it graciously, sticking it under her arm as she scribbles down Newt’s order.

"I’ll be back in a jiff." She then walks back over to the bar, and suddenly all eyes are cast on Teresa.

"What?" She asks, looking between everyone’s faces. From Newt’s proud smile, Thomas’ wide eyes and Minhos wide grin. "Is my lipstick smudged?"

"No, you idiot! She was totally flirting with you!" Newt flicks her shoulder, "Go up to the bar and flirt with her." Teresa scoffs at his words, shaking her head.

"Maybe once I’ve gotten alcohol in my system." She says, looking over her shoulder at the bar. Her eyes linger on Brenda, and especially her rolled up sleeves showing off her toned arm muscles as she shakes the shaker in the air.

"She is really attractive." Teresa sighs, placing her head in her hands on the table, leaving Thomas confused.

"So? Why are you upset? She’s hot and into you isn’t that a good thing?"

"Yes, but I don’t have time for dating right now." Teresa frowns, and Newt all but groans and slaps her across the shoulder, catching the other threes attention.

"That is such bullsh*t, Resa, and you know it. You’re just scared. So, when your mudslide gets there, try not to get a brain freeze, chug it and go flirt with her!" Newt advises, and Teresa looks at him completely unimpressed. "Hypocrite." She whispers, looking him dead in the eyes.

"Shut up." Newt shoves her sillily, finally glancing back over at the two other boys on the opposite side of the table.

"I agree with him, Teresa. You should totally go for it. But not before you and Newt give me a little show." All three eyes turn to him with their eyes wide, their minds in the gutter and Thomas’ dignity in there with it.

"No! N-No! Not — you guys are gross! I meant Newt told me that she and him could sing Bring Me To Life by Evenescence and I wanna hear it before you do any of that flirting!" Thomas flushed from embarrassment, stumbling over his words as the others just laugh at his misery.

Except for Teresa.

"You told him about that?!" Teresa squeaks, turning back to Newt with shame clear on her face. "Yep. And once we get properly pissed, we are doing it!" Newt smiles, looking behind Teresa’s head to see Brenda walking over with their drinks on a platter.

"No way." Teresa states, "I’ll bet you $50 that I won’t do it there’s no way in hell." Newt just gives her a look. She shakes her head stubbornly; "No."

The next day, Teresa ends up giving him $50. Because after her Mudslide comes a p*rnstar Martini and after that a round of Jägerbomb shots for the table. And, suddenly, Newt and Teresa have slipped off their hoodies and are standing — unstably, for that matter — behind the microphones as Alby gets up the karaoke version of Bring Me To Life.

"I’m so excited for this." Thomas slurs his words, because he, too, is three co*cktails and a shot into the night, and stumbles to pull his phone out his pocket to record the trainwreck.

"They’re gonna suck so hard!" Minho laughs, his breath wafting of cheap beer as he leans close to Thomas. The two laugh drunkenly, the intro to the song filling the room and multiple eyes dart towards Newt and Teresa on the stage.

It doesn’t take long for Teresa to start singing into the microphone. Admit-ably, her voice is good. Slurred with the alcohol in her system, so it’s definitely not at its best. And especially with the slow of the song in the beginning, and the way she keeps giggling whenever she glances back at Newt beside her.

The shame and self consciousness that would be eating the duo alive disintegrates with their sobriety, and when the chorus comes along and Newts deep, drunken voice swoops into Thomas’ eardrums; he’s all captivates and flushed. Teresa and Newt seem to be only singing to eachother, staring at eachother as they yell the lyrics back and forth.

They look to be having the time of their life and Thomas is so glad he decided to record this. Because when Teresa goes to sing again, Newt turns towards Thomas and in the light shining from the ceiling, Newt is illuminated in a white glow. His cheeks are red, his breathing is taking its time slowing down and he gives Thomas this lopsided out of breath grin. And then, Thomas is really glad he brought out his phone.

If he zooms in on Newt half the time, nobody has to know.

When the song ends, Teresa and Newt crash into eachother and he spins her around with one arm wrapped around her back and the other still clinging to the microphone stand. Their laughs are heard through the speakers, and little claps can be heard from around the bar.

Minho whoops from beside him, holding up his beer in a ‘cheers’as Thomas stops recording and starts to cheer along with Minho. The two stumble down the stage, falling into the booth with heavy breathing and dumbly wide smiles.

"How’d that do, Tommy? Live up to your expectations?" Newt slurs, placing a hand on Thomas’ cheek and leaning close for comfort.

Thomas learnt very quickly that when Newt was drunk, he was extra affectionate and bubbly; a striking contrast to his regular personality. His voice gets groggier and way more accented. He speaks like he just came from England, using words that Thomas is sure he’s never heard before.

Thomas knows that himself drunk is giggly, blabber-mouthy and tragically lustful. That last one only comes along when he’s a good five co*cktails in. Lucky for him, he’s only had a whopping three.

"Definitely! You looked really hot!" Okay, maybe that last shot got him a little further than he expected. Newt raises an eyebrow, a sickly sweet smile making its way to his face; the kind that crinkles his eyes at the sides and makes him look irresistibly gorgeous.

"Aww! Thanks, Tommy!" Newt practically coos, placing his other hand on his other cheek and sloppily kisses him on the lips. Thomas practically melts, his hands balling a fist into Newt’s t-shirt and the other looping around his jeans belt loops.

"G-Gross!" Minho mumbles through a hiccup. Sadly, as Minho hates to admit, when he’s drunk he’s loopy, spaced out and almost falling asleep in his chair most of the time.

However, Minhos quiet protest goes unless as Thomas continues to kiss Newt hard, his hand making its way up to the back of his head and holding, pulling him impossibly closer. The table infront of them is a curve ball, and soon Thomas’ neck becomes undeniably uncomfortable so he pulls away. A small whine falls from the parting in Newt’s lips, and Thomas thinks himself and his groin won’t forget that for a while.

"Dude! Let’s go sing!" Minho lazily grabs at Thomas’ arm from the other end of the table, and Thomas lights up. "f*ck yeah!" Thomas nudges Newt’s side to let him out, and the blonde does so with a giddy smile.

"You’re gonna do so — so good!" Newt cradles Thomas’ face once again, and his beautiful brown eyes are almost fully taken over by his dilated pupils. Newt stared at Thomas like he hung the stars, his thumbs rubbing gently down his cheekbones.

"I f*ckin’ know I will!" Thomas laughs airly, leaning up and capturing a quick kiss on Newt’s lips. "You just watch!" Newt’s smile only widens as he watches Thomas and Minho jog towards Alby.

"You’re so, stupidly inlove." Teresa comments, surprising Newt as she walks up from where she had somehow managed to sneak off to the bar.

"Oh, bugger off." Newt scowls, taking the drink from Teresa’s hand and inspecting it; he knows he hasn’t ordered it before.

"Resa.. what is this?" He asks suspiciously, sitting down next to her. She just smiled sweetly, sipping at her Mudslide.

"Oh, uhm, just a Disaronno and Diet co*ke. You know, the thing Thomas was drinking earlier." If Newt was sober, he would’ve easily detected the stifle of laughter in her voice and the way her smile was way too wide.

But, in his current state of blissful joy and inhibition, the colour of the drink is close enough to the colour of what Thomas ordered. So, in his current state of blissful joy and inhibition, he takes a sip. And in retrospect, he should’ve cared when he could barely taste the Cola and more so a combination of bitter alcohol, but he didn’t.

All Newt registers it that it tastes surprisingly good, and he doesn’t think to question the sh*t-eating grin that pulls along Teresa’s lips and casts his eyes up towards the stage where Minho and Thomas stand before the microphones.

Newt almost burst out laughing when he hears the intro music toKiss Me Thru The Phone by SouljaBoy,gaping in shock when Minho and Thomas start — very badly — belting out the lyrics.

As he sings, Thomas points and stares at Newt with a dopey smile on his face. And Newt things it’s the stupidest, cringiest most sweet, silly thing anyone has every done for him. He laughs as he amusedly watches, sipping happily on his drink.

He’s so distracted by Thomas he doesn’t even notice when he finishes the drink, and his vision is way more impaired and everything seems more calming and slow. A lazy smile spreads across his face as he watches Thomas and Minho bow infront of the audience who claps for them.

"That was so bad!" Teresa beams at them, giggling with whipped cream spread across her lips, and the two smile down at her; sliding back into their seats.

"Why thank you, M’lady!" Minho lays an arm around the back of the booth, and Teresa can’t find it in herself to care or shove him off her.

"I think we did pretty good, huh?" Thomas turns to Newt, who seems off in his own world as he stares dizzily into the side of Thomas’ face; his head tilted to the side like a golden retriever.

"Oh, my God! I know what — I know what I need to do!" Newt yells, snapping out of whatever day dream he was having as he stared at the side of Thomas’ face.

Thomas notes how his accent — if possible — got even stronger and his body language is more gangly; his movements lazy and his smile dazed.

"What are you gonna do, Newtie?" Teresa asks, almost expectantly, smiling up and Newt with a sneaky smile. Newt just beams, leaning down and capturing her cheeks between his hands.

"Oh, Teresa. Sweet, sweet, innocent, beautiful, Teresa." Newt shakes her head back and forth, leaning close and smiling down at her so giddily it’s sickeningly sweet. "I’m gonna go sing!" He places a chaste kiss on her forehead before pulling away and looking at Thomas.

"And it’s for you, you fit bastard!" Newt grins, leaning forward and pressing a quick, yet passionate, kiss to his lips.

They all watched slightly dazed as Newt stumbles towards Alby, bumping into bartenders, tables and chairs on his way.

"Oh, my God. I’d forgotten how much he’d drunk." Teresa bursts out into laughter, waving her hand in the air to try console herself. "Oh, God, Teresa what did you do?" Thomas asks, concerned.

"I — I told him that I got him a Disaronno and co*ke but I got him a Long Island Iced Tea!" She spills, and it takes them a while but the others burst out in laughter when realising how much alcohol Newt had just consumed in a small three minutes.

The guilt that Teresa fills easily fades away when the beginning of Wonderwall by Oasis starts playing through the speakers and Newt screams the lyrics into the microphone. All accented and deep, and maybe it’s because it’s his fourth drink, but it’s hot. Thomas knew very well what a British accent did to him, even before Newt, and with the alcohol swooning through his system it had become stronger.

Newt ends up staying up there for a while. Refusing to come down until he’s belted out the lyrics to — what he claims — ‘British Bangers.’Which just include: Mr. Brightside, Sweet Caroline, Song 2 and Don’t You Want Meuntil he’s successfully dragged down by Thomas and into an empty corner out of sight.

"Did you like my singin’, Tommy?" Newt asks, voice all broken and gruff from singing, and Thomas just responds by smashing his lips against the blonde.

Seeing him use his lips against the microphone for fifteen painstaking minutes as he sung was almost torture, every single song enunciating the beauty of his accent and his authentic self played with something deep inside Thomas and after that final song he couldn’t help himself. He hates to be such a stereotypical American, but that accent does wonders.

In all fairness, none of the songs were relatively ‘sexy’ except from that one by Blur, but Thomas managed to find anything Newt did somewhat attractive. And all the drinks in his system did him justice.

Now, Thomas wasn’t one for making out in public, despite their first kiss being inside the coffee shop. So he pulls back with all self control, still in Newts personal space and his forehead rested against his. There’s enough space between them for Thomas to lean up and push back Newt’s sweaty blonde fringe from his forehead.

"You wanna get out of here?" Thomas whispers softly, eyes wide with lust, his hand firm against the junction between Newt’s jaw and neck and brushing through his hair; fixing it from where he tasseled it from all his jumping around when singing.

Newt holds Thomas by the nape of his neck, one hand fiddling with the opened buttons on his henley, staring in a trance at the dark hair that slips past the hem. He licks his lips before replying.

"I don’t usually put out on the first date. Especially when they’re not my boyfriend." He looks up at Thomas, who’s staring at him like he’s a fallen angel from above. Like he painted the stars with the tips of his fingers and sketched the sun and moon with his paint slicked brush.

"Well," Thomas swallows, his eyes trained on Newt’s well-kissed lips, "It’s a good thing I really want you to be my boyfriend." Thomas whispers, and Newt hears it perfectly. As if his state of drunkenness is muffling his words, and as if music isn’t bouncing off every surface in the place.

Suddenly he feels as sober as a nun, and he’s crashing their lips back together and pressing their bodies together like it was the solution of the universe. Like had had just figured out his lifelong destiny, kissing Thomas like it was his last day on earth. The kiss goes from rough and passionate, from sweet and soft.

Newt kisses him gently a few times after he fully pulls back, looking up at Thomas with pure, gentle unsaid love swirling in the lust-sick iris’ of his dark eyes. "I’d be a bloody twat to say no, Tommy."

The need since they first met — the need Thomas felt to kiss him until his lungs begged for air, until Newt forgotten about anything expect him — rushed back and curled into a hot ball of lead in his stomach. Everything around him came crushing down, every ounce of self respect left him as he met Newt in the middle of a firm press of lips.

He learned every inch of Newt’s mouth, noting it down and storing it into a section of his brain, every crevice and how warm and good it felt against him. He memorised the tempo and vibration of every sound he made against his skin as he kissed down from his cheek to his neck.

"I’m .. I’m gonna call a cab." Thomas mumbles, his left hand fisting into Newt’s hair as he sucks a mark onto the nook of his neck. Newt just nods, slipping his soft fingers up Thomas’ shirt and rubbing gentle circles into his hipbone.

Thomas almost forgets what he’s doing, leaning his head against the wall behind him. Until Newt’s low voice vibrates against his earlobe reminding him to ‘Call the bloody taxi.

Their insecurities and worries stay gone when they pile into the back of the cab, forgetting all about seatbelts when they pull and tug onto each-others clothes, sloppily making out, only stopping for Thomas to tell the poor, blushing boy his address.

It stays that way out the car and into the lobby, pushing eachother against the walls of the elevator all tongue and teeth as they wait to arrive to Thomas’ apartment. The alcohol blurring everything together. The way Thomas runs his hand through Newt’s hair as he kisses and licks down his neck, his hand exploring down south as he pins him against the door of his bedroom; not even making it that far before he couldn’t resist.

The way Thomas gains strength and pushes Newt away far enough to kick open his own door and drag Newt towards his bed by his t-shirt fisted into his hands, pulling him against him on the bed. Thomas remembers the way Newt trembled underneath him, how he breathed heavily above him and how he kissed down all the way from doting on his forehead to kissing against his navel teasingly.

Every sound, every touch and every sweet nothing exchanged between them is savoured as Thomas sinks into the plush pillow, his fingers curling into his soft bedsheets as he makes noises he wasn’t even sure was humanly possible as Newt kisses against his earlobe.

He remembers the way Newt scratches down his back achingly as he touches him, and the facial expressions are permanently etched into his mind. Practically framed in gold against his skull, moulded in precious porcelain in the deep crevices of his brain.

But, the soft kisses and warm touches shared after are the most intimate. Silent and pure, smiling giddily wrapped in the afterglow, running their hands down each others sides as they stare lovingly into each others eyes.

Thomas melts at the view of Newt going towards his drawers, picking out baggy, black basketball shorts and a long Spiderman sleeping shirt. Thomas just tugs back on his Calvin Kleins, sitting up and pushing his legs over the bed. Newt smiled over at him and walks between his legs, craning Thomas’ head up to look at him by placing his hands softly behind his neck.

"You’re so beautiful." Newt praises, mumbled, running the tip of his index finger from one mole to the other, and Thomas stares up at him with adoration clouding over his vision.

Thomas can’t even fathom up any words to describe how he feels, because nothing seems good enough. Nothing could describe the pull and squeeze of his heart anytime he sees Newt — thinks about Newt — there’s no single word in the english dialect that could describe Newt, Thomas thinks. He’s more than the language, he’s more than anyone. He’s extraterrestrial in his beauty, that nothing could work.

So, instead, Thomas just leans up and connects their lips; hoping to convey everything he’s feeling in his mind through that. Hoping that every thought and feelings bleeds through their connected lips and touch.

He wakes up to Newt sleeping deeply on his stomach, his arms wrapped around one of Thomas’ pillows on his double bed. His face his squished against the pillow, and Thomas doesn’t think he’s ever felt so happy.

Thomas feels so giddy in his wake he doesn’t even realise his pounding headache. Or the fact that he and Newt left Teresa and Minho at the bar, and the fact that his and Newt’s phones have been left with a shared amount of missed calls and frantic text messages.

His most recent one is from Minho, reading: ‘Nevermind, came in and saw you ugly shanks curled up under the blanket. Gross. Smells of sex in there, so better spray some deodorant and have a shower baby! Congrats on getting some!’

Thomas makes sure to slap him upside the head as soon as he takes a long, cold shower.

Newt and Thomas are dating for four weeks before the inevitable. And by ‘the inevitable’, Newt means that question that he always tries to avoid for as long as he can. They’re cuddling on Thomas’ bed, topless and under the covers. Doting over each others features when Thomas manages to get to his legs. And that’s when.

"Hey, Newt? How did you get your limp?"

That damn question. Newt visibly freezes, his hand stopping suddenly from where it was rubbing against Thomas’ side. And, obviously, his face contorts with the discomfort he feels in his chest because Thomas notices. Thomas always notices.

"I’m sorry — I just — wanted to know? f*ck, I’m sorry, I’m too curious for my own good. You don’t have to tell me, not if you don’t want to." Thomas apologises quickly, stumbling over his own words.

He almost sounds sad towards the end, as if his voice is saying ‘You don’t trust me.’ And Newt breaks. Newt loves Thomas so much, so much it almost scares him sometimes. Because they’ve known eachother so little, yet it feels like their souls have been entwined for years.

So, maybe one day he’ll tell him about the bridge. About the note, and the pain and all the suffering that came with it. Maybe one day he’ll tell Thomas how the wind felt whipping against him as he took that deep breath, final step and fell.

Maybe he’ll even try to explain what it feels like to hit hard, wet, jagged rock. To feel — to hear — his bone snap and pierced by brutal cobble. How the water washed ashore against the pebbles his head laid against, and how his last visions before the blackness was his own blood mixing into the clear, milky water of the salty stream.

Maybe one day he’ll tell Thomas about waking up in the blinding hospital surrounded by beeping, drug-induced contentment and giddiness and the broken faces of Teresa and Sonya.

Maybe one day he’ll tell him about the eternal pit that formed in his gut when he was told he would never walk the same again. Looking down at his mangled and bruised up leg, the other bandaged all the way up to his thigh in a white cast and being propped up high; Maybe he’ll even tell Thomas about how learning that fact made him wish he was successful.

Maybe one day he’ll tell him about the time he laid in his hospital bed, his head curled into his sisters lap as he weeped. His younger sister soothing him like he was the youthful, silent tears falling down her porcelain cheeks as she told him how ‘Bloody glad’ she was he stayed.

But there were more positive things. Maybe he’ll tell Thomas about how Teresa never left his side. How the girl slept curled up like a kitten in the soft, maroon sofa-chair in the corner of his room. About how he stayed in that bright white hospital for weeks, Teresa never letting him bore.

Board games, playing cards, television, colouring books and long, comforting conversations. Ones where Teresa promised Newt many things once he was free from the casts’ grasp. Teresa crying, clinging onto Newt akin to a Koala to a bamboo trunk, blubbering about how much he meant to her.

Ones where Teresa scolded him like the loving mother he wished he had, and ones where he wished she would just leave him alone. Those were most unlikely. The occasional chat where Newt reassured Teresa how deeply and truly he cared for her. How she saved him for as long as she could, beating off the unforgiving claws of the darkness for as long as possible before it utterly consumed him that one night.

Maybe he’ll tell him about the times where he and Teresa would play pranks on the doctors. How they giggled as they placed snake-in-a-can almonds on the front desks. How Teresa pushed him around in his wheelchair, going way too fast for any of the Doctors liking, making horrible impressions of a car engine as she swung them around sharp corners.

How she and Newt laughed loudly through the echoing halls of West County Hospital for two weeks before Newt’s leg was suited for crutches. Maybe he’ll tell Thomas about how he hugged Teresa bone-crushingly tight after he walked properly after multiple excruciating sessions of physio. How Teresa cried proudly and openly into his shoulder, rubbing his back in relief.

Maybe he’ll work up the courage to tell him about how she still arranged his pills, decorated them in butterfly stickers in a little pot in a cabinet above the microwave. How she lays them out beside his Snoopy coffee mug every day.

One Anti-Depressant, one Mood Stabiliser and two Xanax. Every day in the morning like clockwork. Maybe he’ll even tell Thomas that he was the inspiration for Teresa to take up psychology to become a therapist, to try help people before they end up in Newt’s situation.

But, for now, he decides to let that all slide. He pushes down each memory that threatens to chew its way through, scratching and whining to bleed into his chest and spread pain like wildfire.

His eyes meet Thomas’, and he just leans in and kisses him softly slow. He decides to just say f*ck it, because he’s been in so much pain for a good portion of his life, he deserves something good.

"I think I’m bloody in love with ya, Tommy." Newt whispers against his lips, and Thomas’ eyes graciously widen. "I know it’s soon, but — "

"I think I’m in love with you, too." Thomas whispers back quickly, "I love you so much." And he forgets about his earlier question, drowning in the sensation of Newts lips against his.

He doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to that. How he can kiss, touch, hug and admire Newt anytime he wanted. Even if it meant getting scolded by Minho for slacking off, or lectured by Teresa for distracting him during their precious ‘best friend time.’

But every single yell from his friends was worth it for the soft laugh and the warm smile that Newt gave him every time.

Everything was worth it for Newt, he figured.

Eventually, their ‘I think I love you’s turned into ‘I love you’s, and eventually, Thomas found out the real reason Newt had his limp. Nothing changed, absolutely nothing. Thomas didn’t treat him differently, he wasn’t overbearing, he wasn’t too protective and he wasn’t treating him like a glass figure that could break at a too-hard touch.

The only thing that changed was that during their good morning texts, Thomas reminded him to take his medication. And Thomas spend some days over the courses of months simply laying on Newt’s twin bed when an episode hit, pressing his front against Newt’s back with his hand brushing through his hair and sweet whispers into his ear as he pressed soft kisses to his skin. Using the pad of his thumb to wipe away tears and to help him eat, wash and get school work done.

Newt never felt so f*cking loved.

And, eventually, Teresa worked up the courage to go back to that karaoke bar. She, apparently — in her words — walked right around the back, copied Thomas’ special knock and as soon as Brenda opened the door pressed their lips together in a brief kiss. “And that was history!” Teresa tells them lovingly.

(They soon learned from Brenda that Teresa had done that, but forgot to mention her total freak out after and how she tried to run away, but ended up running into the brick wall and Brenda had to fix her up before kissing her better.)

And, Minho, was forever the third wheel.

What is it about you that has commandeered my brain? - stilessstilinskii - The Maze Runner Series (2024)


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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.