The Kilgore News Herald from Kilgore, Texas (2024)

a a a a a 8 KILGORE NEWS HERALD Tuesday, March 21, 1967 East Texas Briefs HENDERSON Eight ballots were cast during the first week of absentee voting in the April 1 Henderson school board election. Deadline for absentee voting is March 28, and six candidates are seeking election to three posts on the board. One absentee vote was cast in the city election, slated for April 4. Deadline for voting, by absentee in that election is March 30. Seven candidates, ineluding all three incumbents Hospital Notes Roy H.

Laird Memorial Hospital (Visiting hours: 2-4, p.m.) Admitted: Mrs. E. B. Means, Saratoga. Mrs.

Dorothy M. Billings, 202 Reynolds. Mrs. G. A.

Utzman, Rt. 2. Mrs. Johnny W. Copeland, Rt.

1. Mrs. Charles Lucas, Kilgore. Dismissed: Cecil Miller, Mrs. D.

T. Hyatt, Mrs. Effie Peters and Mrs. James M. Milam.

Overton Memorial Hospital Admitted: L. Hay, New London. L. T. Robinson, Overton.

Willie Gipson, Overton. Beverly Blaylock, Overton. Mrs. Martin Garsee, Overton. Mrs.

Bethanie Ector, Overton. George H. Mills, Price. Dismissed: Al Herrin, Mike Bynum and Mrs. Mattie Jackson.

Congratulations! A boy, 8 pounds, 11 ounces, born at 1:58 a.m. today Laird Hospital, to Mr. and was, Mrs. Johnny Jordan, Kilgore. Henry Davis' Rites Arranged LONGVIEW Funeral serv.

Ices for Henry Davis, 64, 4 resident of Longview since 1964, will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Rader Funeral Home Chapel in Longview. Conducting the service will be Douglass Rohre, who will also officiate at graveside rites at 2 p.m, Wednesday at the Forest Chapel Cemetery in Lamar County. Burial will be in the Forest Chapel Cemetery under the direction of Rader Funeral Home. Mr.

Davis died at his home about 11 p.m. Sunday night. He was an employe of Resistol Rough Hat Corp. and a member of the Mobberly Ave. Church of Christ.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Tinie Davis of Longview; one daughter, Mrs. Norene Barnes of Broomfield, one son, Henry D. Davis of Hill Air Force Base, Utah; two sisters, Mrs. Delphia Wisener of Idabell, two brothers, Delaney Davis of Paris, Tex.

and M. J. Davis of Daingerfield; and one granddaughter. STOCKTON (Continued from Page 1) Lines truck and boom lifted the tanks off the dead driver. Mr.

Stockton was the second Kilgore traffic fatality in two days. Donald Jay Lipscomb, 22, died early Sunday when his car wrecked on Danville Road. A native of Enid, Mr. Stockton had been a Kilgore resident for six years, coming here from Houston. He resided on East Beckley St.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mattie Stockton of Kilgore; two daughters, Mrs. J. E. Blaine of Humble and Miss Nellene Stockton of Kilgore; a son, Robert Lee Stockton of Kilgore; and four grandchildren.

SUPERIOR OFF-BEAT, AND TIMES COLUMBIA PICTURES GEORGY GIRL JAMBS MASON ALAN BATES LININ REDGRONE SUGGESTED FOR MATURE AUDIENCES 1:20, 3:20, 5:20, 7:20, 9:10 Crim Theatre in Kilgore S. KILGORE whose terms are expiring, are running for office. PALESTINE Opening date of the Dogwood Trails in Palestine will be Saturday, March 25, kicked off with a 3 p.m. parade The through downtown, Lady," will be presented March 31 and April 1. MARSHALL Construction of the 1.2-mile, $904,500 widening of US 59 through Marshall will start sometime this week with completion set in December.

Harrison Paving Corp. of St. Joseph, was the low bidder on the project with a bid of $821,326, but additional costs ran the total to more than $900,000. RUSK The Cherokee County Commissioners Court approved $150 to finance a preliminary study for major expansion and improvement of the Cherokee County Airport. Prime objective of the proposed expansion is a runway to handle small commercial and business jet planes.

CARTHAGE Adams, 74, of Rt. 3, Carthage, died at 2:40 p.m. Monday in a Carthage hospital after being injured in accident 149 one car shortly after noon Monday, Funeral arrangements pending. LONGVIEW-Graveside rites for Mrs. Ethel B.

Harlan, a former Longview resident, were held at 2 p.m. today in the Kilgore Cemetery. Mrs. Harlan died Saturday in Mexia, where she made her home with her sister, Mrs. J.

W. Elliott. Braniff Pledges Lower Fares If It Gets Routes WASHINGTON (AP) Braniff International Airlines pledged lower fares and stepped-up production today for the Pacific Ocean areas it seeks authority to serve. Braniff submitted its testimony at a Civil Aeronautics Board hearing on the adequacy of commercial service to Hawaii and the Far East. The CAB will decide whether new routes should be awarded and who should get them.

"We propose to provide that service at the lowest fares and yields forecast by any applicant carrier," said Harding L. Lawrence, Braniff president and chief executive officer. The airline has proposed a 25 per cent fare reduction between mainland cities and Pacific points. Braniff wants approximately 120 flights per week to Hawaii from 17 mainland metropolitan areas; 36 flights weekly from the mainland to such Far East points as Japan, Okinawa, Formosa, Hong Kong, Manila, Saigon, Bangkok, Singapore, Indonesia and Australia; and new service from South America to the Orient. The mainland points involved are Atlanta, Chicago, DallasFort Worth, Denver, Houston, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Miami, Minneapolis-St.

Paul, New Orleans, New York-Newark, Portland, St. Louis, San Diego, San Francisco-Oakland, SeattleTacoma and more. Presently only Pan American, United and Northwest fly from the United States to Pacific Ocean areas. Fifteen additional carriers have asked authority to serve Hawaii and Far East points. ABORTION (Continued from Page 1) unborn child should be allowed to survive.

Dr. Huge Savage of Fort Worth said the Texas Medical Association's executive committee had approved the "A couple has the right to expect a normal baby," Savage said. Dr. Joseph Lucci of Houston protested that probably physical defects cannot be determined before birth. "And if so," he asked, "which one of us was born perfect?" COURTHOUSE FACELIFTING TO PROVE COSTLY DALLAS (AP) The facelifting on the old red Dallas County Courthouse, built in 1890, will almost reach the original cost.

The renovation will cost 000. It cost $650,000 to build. Now Enrolling Students for WORLD CROSSROADS OF LEARNING Salzburg, Austria July 7-Aug. 12, 1967 Bernhardt Tiede, director of the Kilgore College Fine Arts Department will accompany students to study German at the University of Salzburg study music at world-famous Mozarteum. Side trips to surrounding areas after completion of classwork and tour of Rome, Venice and Florence, Italy before returning home.

For information: Contact Mr. Tiede, Ph. 984-8531 Investigation Continues In Grocer's Slaying GLADEWATER Gregg County officers this morning were continuing an investigation into the Sunday night slaying of Gladewater grocer John B. Cannon, 52. Mr.

Cannon was shot through the heart about 11:15 p.m. Sunday as he prepared to enter his vehicle after closing his drive-in food store on west Highway 80 adjacent to the Gladewater High School football stadium, Robbery was believed be the motive. Gregg County Sheriff Noble Crawford this morning said his deputies following up various leads were, that no definite information has emerged. Funeral services for Mr. Cannon were held at Quitman and Center Street Church of Christ at 10 a.m.

today with Earl Craig, minister, officiating. Burial was in Rock Springs Cemetery under the direction of Malcolm Stone Funeral Home. Mr. Cannon, who owned Quickie Food Store and Cannon Saddle Shop, formerly was manager of Piggly-Wiggly Stores in Longview and Marshall. He was a member of the Church of Christ.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Florene Cannon, Gladewater; one son, John Michael Cannon, Ayer, four daughters, Barbara Ann Cannon, Mary Helen Cannon, Deborah Janelle Cannon and Pamela Susan Cannon, all of Gladewater; two brothers, Jason Cannon, Killeen, and Temp Cannon, Mexia; one sister, Mrs. H. E. Price, Mart; and his mother, Mrs.

J. E. Cannon, Mart. One Hospitalized Following Wreck Mrs. B.

Means of Saratoga was said to be "doing fine" this morning at Laird Memorial Hospital after she received injuries in one of two accidents in Kilgore Monday. Her injuries were sustained in a collision at the intersection of Highway 259 and Woodlawn St. around 11:45 a.m. Involved were her 1958 Volkswagen and a 1952 Ford driven by Mamie Adams, Mt. Enterprise, Damages were estimated at $200 to the Adams car and $500 to the Means vehicle.

No injuries were reported in another accident at 11:25 a.m. on Henderson Blvd. in front of the hospital. Involved were a 1966 Chevrolet driven by Wilma O'Neal, Kilgore, and a 1962 Chevrolet pickup driven by James Philpot, Gladewater. Damages were estimated at 000 to the O'Neal car and $275 to the pickup.

Local Woman's Father Dies for William Mullican, 95, TYLER Funeral, services longtime Smith resident and father of Mrs. W. C. Carpenter of Kilgore were held at 2 p.m. today at the Bethel Baptist Church with the Rev.

B. F. Risinger, the Rev. Isaac Johnson and the Rev. Albert Dusek officiating.

Burial was in the Mason Cemetery in Arp. Mr. Mullican died at 4:20 a.m. Monday at the Hearthstone Nursing Home in Tyler after a short illness. Burks-Walker-Tippit Funeral Home in Tyler was in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Main's Rites Set at Henderson HENDERSON Funeral services for Mrs. Dora May Main, 71, will be conducted at 10 a.m. Wednesday in the Crawford-A. Crim Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev.

Tommy Stone Burial will be in Lakewood Memorial Park under the direction of Crawford-A. Crim. Mrs. Main died Sunday in M. D.

Anderson Hospital in Houston after a. brief illness. A resident of Henderson for 17 years, she was a member of the West Main Baptist Church. Surviving are one stepson, Gene Main of Wichita, and two daughters, Mrs. Boyd Acree and Mrs.

Jerry Poston, both of Houston. This Burglar Couldn't Win SAN ANTONIO (AP)-Some times a burglar has to break out instead of in. Policeman John Wiley spotted one while on patrol about 1:30 a.m. today. First he heard a banging and then he saw a 28-year-old man smash a dress shop window; and crawl out.

Wiley hauled him off to jail. Presumably the prowler hid in the shop until it closed. CRUTCH, WHEEL CHAIR, WALKERS HOSPITAL BED RENTALS Pioneer Drug Market Notes NEW YORK (AP)- The stock market held a small gain on average early this afternoon. Trading was active. Some areas of the market KILGOROUND (Continued from Page 1) erly, who drew a student mem- bership.

TWENTY production supervisors for Acme Brick Co. locations throughout Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana, are attending a three-day workshop at the Cmmunity Inn. The sessions, which began Monday and will continue through mid-afternoon Wednesday, are designed to explore methods of professional management and basic fundamentals of supervision. Leading the various workshops are Jack Charles, corporate personnel manager; David Rettig, corporate: personnel administrator; and Marshall Vaughan, vice president of personnel and industrial tions. Each is from corporate headquarters in Fort Worth.

MEN'S Commercial Bowling will have an important meeting at 7 p.m. today at the Derrick Bowl. All team captains are urged to attend And the Ladies' Commercial League gets a holiday Thursday. Bowling resumes March 30. MR.

AND MRS. Fred Erisman, Longview, who are touring Europe and "getting a much needed rest," write from Spain that they are leaving for Geneva after visiting Lisbon, Madrid and environs. They plan to come home around May 10. A CONCEITED skunk challenged a mountain lion to a fight. "Won't do it," said the lion, with contempt.

"You're afraid of me," sneered the skunk. "No, I'm not. But why should fight you, skunk? You'd get a lot of publicity from fighting a big lion, even though I'd surely lick you. But me I'd gain nothing by beating you. On the contrary everybody I met for a month would know I'd been associating with a skunk." J.

C. CAMPBELL of Flint, father of Mrs. R. L. Hamilton, elementary counselor for Kilgore Public Schools, died this morning in Flint.

TODAY is the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Kesterson and Mr.

and Mrs. Marvin Roach. Happy birthday to Brenda Harris, who's 18 today. AT THE CRIM "Georgy Girl," with James Mason, Alan Bates and Lynn Redgrave. BANQUET (Continued from Page 1) tary, and L.

N. Crim, first president of the organization. Chairmen of banquet arrangements were Mrs. W. S.

Morris and Mrs. Walter Podgorski. Mrs. A. B.

Gertz introduced James Dickson, pianist and son of Mr. Mrs. Edward Dickson, who was given an ovation for his rendition of "The Grieg Concerto." It was announced that Miss Mary Alice Crane had already helped get the campaign off to a good start by selling 46 memberships. Mrs. Gertz reported 235 student memberships.

Mr. Ashworth read a telegram from national headquarters congratulating the Kilgore organization on its 20th anniversary and wishing it success in the new season. The audience was taken on a "tour" of New York's new Lincoln Center, fabulous headquarters for the performing arts, by way of color slides and commentary by Miss Lewer. The invocation was given by W. S.

Morris. Services Set For Mrs. Waddell LONGVIEW Funeral services for Mrs. Marie Waddell, 80, who died Monday a Kilgore nursing home, were conducted at 2 p.m. today at Welch Funeral Home in Longview.

Officiating was the Rev. Rex Humphries. Burial was in Memory Park Cemetery with Welch Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Waddell, a native Texan, was born Oct.

10, 1886. She is survived by one son, W. H. Moss of Houston, and one granddaughter, Mrs. H.

L. Moriarty of Longview. Pallbearers were Jimmy Black, Don McNeal, Charles Linnen, Bill Smith, Mike Moriarty and Jimmy Moss. Market Demand WASHINGTON (AP) Bureau of Mines forecast Monday that the market demand for domestic a crude oil will be 8.07 million barrels daily during April. were weak-steels and motors among them.

Enough selective strength was shown by blue chips to boost the averages. In the overall 1 list, gainers outnumbered losers by a good margin. The Wall Street background included a slowed rate of decline for durable goods orders February and a new record in personal income. Sen. John J.

Williams, stated that President Johnson doesn't really want an income tax increase this year and instead plans to pump $9.3 billion into the economy before the 1968 election. Associated Press Stock Averages Indust. Rails Utils. 60 Stks. Prev.

day ..459.9 185.4 154.7 324.4 Week ago 446.7 182.7 152.9 317.3 Month ago 444.0 178.7 154.2 314.8 Year ago .500.5 196.5 158.7 346.7 FORT WORTH (-Cattle 550; calves 225; steers and heifers steady to 25 er, others steady; good to choice steers 22.00-23.00; heifer mates 21.40-22.90, standard and good 20.00-20.80: cows 17.50-18.50; standard and good calves; good and choice feeders 21.70-26.00, standard and good 21.00-23.70; good and choice heifers 21.40-22.90; choice steer calves good and choice heifer calves standard and good 20.90-22.70. Hogs 250; steady; 230-260 lbs 17.50-18.25; 210-304 lbs 16.00-17.00; 185-200 lbs 16.00- 17.00; 123-145 lb feeder pigs 14.50-16.00. AUSTIN (AP)-Poultry: East Texas slightly weaker, South Texas steady, sup. plies adequate, demand fair, movement normal. South Texas 14.40-14.50.

East Texas 15.00. Following are time--noon, reported by E. Amn Tel Du Pont Bethlehem Chrysler Ling-Temco Continental Dow Chemical Pa RR Ford Jen Am Oil Dynamics 3en Electric 3en Motors Pepsico Jones-Laughlin Lone Star Dow Ind 872.27 up Rails 235.27 up the 2 p.m. (New York Kilgore time) quotations 88 F. Hutton Co.

Mont Ward Republic Steel IBM Franklin Life 34 Sears Sinclair Mobil Oil Sperry-Rand Sta Oil NJ Cities Service Sun Oil Texaco Inc. 77 United Gas US Steel Westinghouse 601 Eastman 18 Comsat Ind Am. Jones Averages 1.84 Util 135.61 up .32 .45 Vol 6,210.000 Six Texans Among Latest Dead In Vietnam War WASHINGTON (AP) The names of six Texans, five Army men and one Marine, were listed by the Defense Department Monday among 90 victims of hostile action in the Vietnam War. A seventh Texan died as result of non-hostile causes. The list: ARMY Master Sgt.

Kenneth R. Chadwick, husband of Mrs. Mary J. Chadwick, 216 South street, Nederland; Spec. 4 Charlie Thompson, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Sampson, 4921 Mexicana Road, Dallas; Spec. 4 Daniel F. Perez son of Mrs. Sista F.

Perez, Box 652, Mathis; Pfc. Otto D. Tucker, son of Mrs. Marie E. Tucker, 1516 Jasper Street, Fort Worth.

MARINE CORPS Lance Cpl. Charley E. Gunn, son of Mrs. Mary E. Gunn, 119 Harsdale Street, Dallas; Pfc.

Joe L. Schroeder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schroeder, Box 444b, Route 3, Humble. The list also included as died not as a result of hostile action Army 1st Lt.

Charles C. Bonnet, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bonnet, 1401 Primrose Street, McAllen.

Students Attend School Events Two school events and a state convention drew attendance from Kilgore teenagers during the latter part of the week. Five Kilgore High School students and their sponsor attended the University of Texas Interscholastic League Press Conference in Austin. Attending were Rebecca Allen, Robert Schleier, Lsha Smith, David Van Os, Carolyn Velvin and Mrs. Carol Brown, sponsor. Attending the state student counctil forum in Laredo were Guy Hargrave, Betty Jo Granberry, Judy Brooks, Norma Gilbert, and sponsor David McElroy.

Those who went to the Young Republicans State Convention in Lubbock were Linda Boone, Debbie Dickson. Gary Ford, Kathy Ford, Wes Ford, Howard Letcher, Martin Marshall, Bill Osborn, Donald Osborn, Alan Stokely and Charlotte Ruthford. Four Injured Near Marshall MARSHALL Two persons were hospitalized and three others injured in a shooting and fracas near Scottsville Sunday night. Listed in critical condition at Memorial Hospital is Saphronia McCowan, 18, Karnack, who received multiple shotgun wounds in her face, neck, right chest, right side and right kidney. Also hospitalized is Vertice Lee Manning, 19, of Rt.

1, Marshall. He received wounds in the left shoulder and face. Injured but not hospitalized were Willie Anderson 23, also of Rt. 1, Marshall, and Carolyn Moore, 17, address unlisted. A 19-year-old Negro boy, R.

C. Cooke of 3, Marshall, was arrested about 10 a.m. Monday. Officers confiscated a .410 gauge shotgun they said had been used in the shooting. NEW FRIGIDAIRE FROST-PROOF REFRIGERATORS for every family, every budget! Full 12.1 cu.

ft. of FROST- PROOF SPACE! Frost-Proof-no defrosting ever! Big 106-lb. size top freezer. Deep door shelf for tall bottles, big cartons. Full-width vegetable Hydrator.

FPD-12TL 12.1 cu. ft. (NEMA standard) $26000 3 colors or white -Tone colors at extra charge. Never defrost or run short of shelf space again! Frost-Proof top to bottoml 22.3 sq. ft.

usable shelf area! In-the-door storage for bottles, cartons, eggs. Twin vegetable Hydrators keep produce dew-fresh. FPD-15TL 14.6 cu. ft. (NEMA standard) $29000 6 colors or white Two-Tone and Fashion colors at extra charge.

Big, big 154-lb. size freezer in a "17!" 16.6 cu. ft. (NEMA standard). No defrosting ever it's fully Frost Proof! Deep-shelf storage door for big bottle storage, twin vegetable Hydrators and morel FPD-17TL 16.6 cu.

ft. (NEMA standard) $32000 3 colors or white Two-Tone colors at extra charge. Have ice at your fingertipsautomatically! Giant 153-lb. size freezer has compact Automatic Ice Maker! Easily connects to water supply. Fingertip Door Server holds up to 5-lbs.

of ice cubes! Frost-Proof freezer and fresh food section. Deep door shelf, sliding refrig. erator shelf, twin Hydrators, FPD-17TAL 16.6 cu. ft. (NEMA standard) 3 colors or white $38000 Two-Tone colors at extra charge WW GM Go where all the Frigidaire Happenings are! MARK OF EXCELLENCE CROW DISTRIBUTING CO.


The Kilgore News Herald from Kilgore, Texas (2024)


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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.